What is the right way to pay quarterly business limits in France?
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I am filling in my 4th quarter turnover declaration for URSAFF (Unions de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales). I am unsure whether I am a service or professional service (I am a marketer). However I understand the limits are the same for 2015 = 32,900 euros (more in 2016?)
I will not exceed the 32,900 euros limit for 2015 as I only set up in quarter one, however I will exceed 1/4 of that in quarter four. So if 32,900 euros is the annual limit, 8,225 euros is a quarters worth of that. My quarter four is likely to be 9,662.21euros, is that a problem? Should I move the difference into quarter one 16?