What is the best structure for contracting for companies out side France?
· Viewed 1454 times
I’m a resident in France and considering working as a contractor in insurance sector in UK. Options I’m considering are:
- Working 100% in UK (3 to 4 days a week) and spending my leisure time with my family in France.
- Working 60% to 80% in UK and rest remotely in France.
I’ll be working for one client at a time, and my turnover would be excess of the 32,000 euros turnover limit on auto-entrepreneur.
My questions are:
- If I work through a UK company (either limited or under an umbrella company), what would be my obligation for the French tax authority and would I be able to take up work in France as well?
- If I need to set up a company in France, what would be the suitable structure?