What is the best way to work as an auto-entrepreneur and have a UK income?
· Viewed 1647 times
I plan to set myself up in France under the auto-entrepreneur scheme soon, making and selling soft furnishings. At the same time, I will also have a small income from the UK working for a limited company of which I am the only share holder (but not director). My queries are:
- What would be the most efficient tax structure to take this UK income, either as a UK employee of the company or as a UK self-employed person?
- Will either way make a difference in social charges payments and tax levels and where these are due to be paid?
- Would my French income through the auto-entrepreneur scheme be seen as a separate income from the above and be taxed accordingly?
- Alternatively, could I invoice the UK company through my auto-entrepreneur status and, if yes, would this be preferable?
- My husband is still working (and living) in the UK and thus tax resident there. Is his income of influence on the way my charges and taxes are calculated or will I be taxed and charged entirely independently from him?