What order shall I do things in? Pole d’emploi or AE

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I have a UK LTD company but the move to France has been v distracting and time consuming and so business has been slow/non-existent this year. I want to keep it in the UK for my online ecom biz. Here in France I’d like to set up an AE for coaching (which I’m in the process of building up).

For now I have no income; my UK business is repaying me a director’s loan.

I’ve read things about Pole d’emploi but I’m not super clear on how it works, and wondered if I should register with that first before setting up my AE. I’ve heard they support you in setting up a AE. I’m also wondering about start up support or business incubation support.

I’m a dual national French-UK. My partner has had to stay in the UK for work reasons (it was not the plan!) so I’m on my own over here with the kids and want to make sure we’re set up for healthcare etc. We’re not married so on paper it looks like i’m a single parent.

Where would be a good place for me to start?

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