What to write in form 751-SD?
· Viewed 1666 times
I have received form 751-SD and I’m not sure how to fill it out.
- I have found out on your forum that I don’t need an accountant so. Do I leave that part blank?
- Next part is all about the place of my business. I only use my home, computer and a cupboard where I store products I sell. Do I have to try to answer all of the very detailed questions or is it enough that I tick: vous exercez votre activité a votre domicile et vous n’avez pas d’autre local à votre disposition (dans l’affirmative, veuillez cocher la case et préciser le nombre de m2 occupes pour les besoins de l’activité exercée a votre domicile :... m2
- Do I have to attach a copy of the rental agreement for my apartment?