What type of business should I set up in France?

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My business plan in France is to create and sell intellectual property aimed at music teachers and student musicians in France. I intend to begin with keyboard based instruments and will demonstrate some intuitive videos on YouTube showing a fun and hopefully more immediate way to learn an instrument. Links will direct interested parties to my website, where students and teachers are invited to further explore the products and purchase whatever is appropriate to their needs i.e. Lesson plans, backing tracks and worksheets.

The idea is to sell bundles e.g. beginner, intermediate and advanced, whilst allowing the option to purchase individual lessons. The main target audience for this business will be North America although I expect to pick up sales in Europe. I hope to continually expand the business by adding other instruments to my website thus increasing the potential target audience.

I envisage that it will take about six months before I have the first products up for sale and expect it to take another six months before I finish the keyboard instrument section. From then on I will expand the instrument selection.

What type of business should I set up in France?

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