When does health cover start?

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I am moving to France in a couple of weeks and planning to set up as an auto-entrepreneur. I believe I understand the way of setting up as an auto-entrepreneur, but my problem is with the social security system. As I understand it will take time to get the SIREN and social security number and it will be even longer to obtain the carte vitale.

Will I be able to take my by then 11 weeks pregnant wife to a doctor and is there any chance that the examination costs will be refunded? As I figured in order to be eligible for family allowance benefits and an early childhood benefit (PAJE) one will have to register the pregnancy before the 14th week.

It is not clear to me, that after registering the business and waiting for the INSEE letter and my social security number, am I (and my wife) covered or not? Also is there a fee for registering with an organisme sante or do I start paying contributions after I register an income?

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