When should I transition out of the auto-entrepreneur business structure?
Jackie J
· Viewed 1704 times
For this calendar year, I should be OK to stay under the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit of 32,600 euros for activité de prestation de services. But I expect next year to probably have to leave the auto-entrepreneur regime.
I run an online marketing consultancy business in France with clients all over the world. I occasionally work with contractors, i.e. a virtual assistant, etc. and I would like to be able to declare their fees as expenses. I don’t have any plans to bring on employees.
- What’s the best business structure for me to look at and what the steps to transitioning?
- Does it have to be done by January 1, or can I wait and see next year how things go income-wise and transition out of auto-entrepreneur when I’m nearing the turnover limit?