When will I receive the declaration paperwork for 3e trimestre 2014?

· Viewed 1563 times

I visited URSSAF on 3 September to sort out a problem. This was a query I asked you about under the heading micro BNC changed to auto-entrepreneur. The lady at the URSSAF office in Nimes explained that I am an auto-entrepreneur and have always been one since restarting the business in 2011. She could not explain why I had not been sent the forms to fill in the declarations trimestrielle until July 2014. To keep to the point she was very helpful and she re-calculated the demands for payment without the fines and that is all done. I am paying the amount to URSSAF in 3 installments.

My problem now is that I have not received the declaration paperwork for the 3e trimestre 2014 which has to be filled in by end of October. The lady at URSSAF Nimes told me this date and I made a note of it, she said the declaration paperwork would arrive in the post. I am worried that URSSAF will fine me for not filling in a declaration. I have tried to declare it online through net-enterprises but I think I am still linked to RSI not URSSAF and I am very confused.

I should also explain that the lady at URSSAF told me to contact RSI and ask them to refund the cotisations I have made to them when I should have been paying only to URSSAF. I am still waiting for a response from RSI.

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