Where do we stand with regard to declaring revenue for Meublés de Tourisme?
· Viewed 1529 times
We live in France and have a second property in France. This year (2016) we rented out our second property as holiday lets. As it is not our principal residence, I believe it is categorised as Meublés de Tourisme. I would like to know how we stand as far as declaring the revenue is concerned. Note that:
- It has no classification.
- It is not our principal form of income (counting, I presume, as non professional), as the revenue arising from the letting is only around 1,600 euros, of which we have around 1,000 euros of expenses.
- I believe that if it was classified, we would be entitled to a reduction of 71% on the rental income. Where do we stand, however, given that it is not classified?
- What kind of tax is due - is it social charges? Therefore, what percentage?
- Where on the tax declaration form should it be declared?