Which APE code?

· Viewed 1909 times

I’m registered as an auto-entrepreneur profession liberale, under the APE code 7022Z (Conseil pour les affaires et autre conseils de gestion). This because I was advised to note down Conseil pour entreprises as a primary activity. It suits me fine because it leaves things divined nice and broad. However, the work I am doing is mainly project management for a market research company in the Netherlands (my former employer).

I found out that there also exists a more specific description Etudes de marché et sondages and now wonder whether this, in the eyes of the French institutions, wouldn’t have been more suitable (I’m not sure whether this still would be a profession liberale.) The difference in my case could be that I work freelance for a company that does market research for their clients. I do not work for the clients directly.

Also, I’ve been writing project management market research on my bills. Would it in any way be wise not to state this specifically on my bills anymore, since I don’t have APE code 7320Z, or doesn’t this matter at all?

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