Which type of company for a painting and decorating business in France?

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I am planning to move to France to set up a painting and decorating business (peinture en bâtiment), and would like to know which type of company to set up in France.

In the UK I have limited company. I am the only director/shareholder/employee of the company but I have subcontractors who work for the company to whom I pay around 20,000 euros per year. My annual turnover is 80,000 euros and I do not charge VAT because my turnover is below a certain level.

I pay myself a salary of 13,000 euros and after this (and all other expenses) the company makes a post-tax profit of 15,000 euros. I then pay myself approx 12,000 euros in dividends.

  1. Could you advise me which type of company would be best to create, I was thinking EURL, SASU or SARL with 1 associate, but am open to suggestions?
  2. Could you do a breakdown/calculation of the amount of tax and social charges that would be due on my personal income and also the company’s profits?

I appreciate that in France I will need to charge TVA, so let’s assume the 80,000 euros turnover is net of TVA, and that I have already paid this.

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