Who do I chase up for my wife’s health care?

Sky Blue Saint
· Viewed 1917 times

I registered as an auto-entrepreneur on 1 August 2013, and was accepted into the French health scheme, receiving reimbursements for the cost of my medication since November, but still awaiting my Carte Vitale. However, despite requesting on my original application for auto-entrepreneur status that my wife be noted as a beneficiary, she has still not been accepted by my assurance company (RSI / Mutuelles du Soleil).

As suggested, I wrote to URSSAF Limousin and soon received a telephone call saying that my letter had been forwarded to RSI in Paris (Siege Social Professions Liberales Provinces). We have heard nothing since apart from a letter in December (RSI in Auray) asking for my birth certificate and translation, claiming that they had first asked for it in September (I had received no such request).

I sent this in January and RSI Auray have returned the original, but nothing else has happened. Who should I chase up - URSSAF Limousin, RSI Mutuelles du Soleil, RSI Auray, RSI Paris?

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