Who do I notify of my new address when moving department?

Andrew David
· Viewed 1679 times

I have just moved house and am now in a different department but still in the same region. I need to notify the authorities of my new address but am not sure how I go about this, and who to contact. I am registered as an auto-entrepreneur with a profession libérale. I think I’m right in saying that I pay my cotisations, online, to URSSAF in Poitiers.

RSI in Paris (Assurance Maladie Professions Libérales - Provinces) deal with my Assurance Maladie. RAM in Bourges deal with my carte vitale. CIPAV in Paris deal with my retirement contributions. Do I notify the authorities in my current department or my former one? To avoid duplicating notifying of my new address, which agencies / bodies are linked with each other? Do I also have to let CFE and INSEE know my new address?

My partner is an auto-entrepreneur also but he is registered as an artisan. His Carte Vitale is dealt with by RSI (RAM) in Poitiers, and RSI (Poitou Charentes) in Niort deals with the rest cotisations etc. I would be very grateful if you could point me in the right direction and shed some light on the relationships between the above mentioned departments.

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