Why are RSI still requesting documents after issuing Carte Vitale in France?

Sarah Williams
· Viewed 1723 times

Having registered as an auto-entrepreneur business in April 2010 and choosing RAM in France, I eventually received my Carte Vitale this January. My husband (ayant droit) shares/uses my card and there have been no problems. Until now all RSI letters and information requests have been sent to me. Last month my husband received his first letter from RSI, objet: votre identification au Repertoire National de l’Assurance Maladie. It requested that a compter de 1 avril 2012 he needed to provide them with a copy of his passport and he did this. That first letter also listed other documents, birth certificate with traduction assermenteé but this had been crossed out.

He has now received another letter - in fact it is the same letter and this time, both passport and birth certificates have been crossed out but they have highlighted the traduction assermenteé stating that due to new directives from CNAV, the certificate translation must be completed by a traducteur expert. In Sept 2011, I sent copies of both our birth certificates to RSI with translations which we had completed and signed. These had also been sent to RAM in Dec 2010.

I am puzzled as to why RSI are now wanting the traduction assermenteé, and only for my husband. As my first Carte Vitale was sent November 2011, I thought they had accepted all the documents we supplied last year. I’m concerned that because the letter includes a compter de 1 avril 2012, are they might be trying to set a new account for my husband. The letter also says, A défaut de réponse de votre part, nous ne serons pas en mesure de vous faire délivrer une carte vitale par votre organisme conventionné.

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