Why have I received new demands from URSSAF for the whole year?

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Yesterday I received four letters from URSSAF - one was notification d’affiliation au statut auto-entrepreneur and the other three were declaration trimestrielle de recettes for each of the Q1, Q2 and Q3 that we’ve already had for 2010. I registered as an auto-entrepreneur 1st Jan 2010 and have sent off each of my quarterly payments. In July I had a demand for more than the 20.5 % I’d sent as it said I was not a profession liberale (I’m a copywriter) so I had my husband’s accountant write to them to make sure my code was correct. Is this connected to my ‘modification’ and what should I do with the three demands? I haven’t a clue what to do with it.

Also, do you know if there is anyone in the Boutique de Gestion in the Languedoc that speaks English? I would love to find someone like you nearby. Finally, do you hear of people that think this is all too much hassle and decide to move back to the UK where it is far easier to be self-employed?

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