Why is Net Entreprise not taking account of my reduced social charges?
I am in the process of declaring my income for the final quarter of 2011. Recently when I successfully accessed the Net Entreprise web site all my personal information was fine and the page asked me whether:
- I had already registered my option ‘pour le versement liberatoire de l’impot sure le revenu…’ I understand this is whether I had previously indicated whether to pay income tax on a monthly/quarterly basis and my answer was yes.
- Whether I had previously indicated ‘yes or no’ to the online question ‘avez-vous effectue une demande d’ACCRE’, my answer was yes and I ticked the relevant box. I registered unemployed with Pole Emploi last year.
Having moved onto the next page of the net entreprise site, I was able to see how much social charges/tax I was due to pay and it took account of the reduction due for registering unemployed with Pole Emploi. When I returned to the same site today to declare my income it no longer takes me to the first page where ACCRE was mentioned. I was able to access the declaration page and having entered my declaration noticed that the payment due did not take account of the reduced social charges/tax as I had seen a few days earlier. Could you please advise me how I can proceed?