Why is the chambres de metiers asking me for qualifications?

· Viewed 1638 times

I have applied as an auto-entrepreneur, I had to describe my activities which as a want - to - be property manager I listed some garden activities, opening and closing houses, and then went on to describe small maintenance petites reparations generals par example changer les ampoules, deblocage des viers, retouches peinture, offres ses clients des masions. The Chambre de Metiers have written back saying merci de’indiquer clairement les activites du batiment sont reglementees and they have highlighted the section where I need to attach a qualification for this. Can this by right? I have read in a lot of previous questions on this forum that these activities do not need qualifications?

Also, they have sent me a PO auto-entrepreneur declaration de debut d’activite to fill in, which is exactly the same questions I answered on line when I first applied for this business. Does this mean I have to start the application process again from the start? I cannot modify my application online any more… do I have to cancel that application and just fill in this form to start a completely new application?

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