Why was my auto-entrepreneur registration rejected?

· Viewed 2082 times

Two weeks ago I asked for activity description for - Autres services personnel for on-line auto-entrepreneur registration. Then I used the description you gave me. I wrote Entretien de gites (maintenance, changement de client, nettoyage in Activités exercées box and the same description Entretien de gites (maintenance, changement de client, nettoyage) in La plus importante box, because Activité la plus importante box wasn’t automatically filled in with the same description as you told me in the forum answer. Today I got an email from CFE-Metiers.com saying they rejected the declaration:

La déclaration 7401004000 a été rejetée par votre CFE: Chambre de Metiers et de L’artisanat de la Haute Savoie. Bonjour, merci de préciser vos activités (entretien, maintenance ?). En fonction du ou des motif(s) de rejet, vous devez revenir sur votre saisie ou alors abandonner votre déclaration sur ce site.

Can you help me please to correct the description. As I wrote two weeks ago I am going to do services to apartments and chalets owners such as key holding, changeovers (cleaning and laundry), meeting and greeting guests.

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