Working for a UK company from France and UK
· Viewed 1857 times
My wife works for a UK company as a consultant. Her work is split between France and the UK, 50% France computer based activity and 50% UK client based activity, her turnover is approx. 50,000 UK pounds with approximately 15% of that being outgoing expenses, flights, accommodation, miscellaneous, etc. I will be a permanent resident in France working on our property and not, at this present time, earning a living in France.
- Would her tax liability be greater in France and if so, can she continue to pay her taxes in UK and be eligible to register for health care in France?
- As above, if she is registered in UK and eligible for health care in France, would that registration cover myself, as her spouse, for health care in France?
- As she wants to eventually fully integrate into the French system, which most tax efficient self employed regime would she be better registering as and what would be, roughly, her tax liability, as a percentage of turnover, working on the figures above?
- Can I at a later date register under the auto-entrepreneur scheme and if so, would my income be taken into account as a house hold income levied against my wife total earnings under her French tax regime?