Working for clients abroad

· Viewed 889 times

I am an ME (liberale) and would like to know what my situation is regarding working for clients both in and outside the Eurozone - especially in the light of Brexit.

  1. I am applying for French residency and paying tax in France. So I presume there is no problem with me accepting work from clients in the UK and other Eurozone countries (if I am paying tax in France). Please can you confirm this is the case?
  2. In terms of best practice - should I just invoice clients as usual in Euros (but provide them with the equivalent transaction in their own currency as well)?
  3. I presume it’s best for them to pay the money into my French bank account - rather than a UK account? (for transparancy purposes) and do you have any suggestions for how this could be done without incuring a huge fee for currency conversion - because this means I get less. Many thanks


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