Working prior to registration?
· Viewed 1676 times
Please consider the below facts:
- I am moving from another EU country to France in July.
- I am in a position to start teaching English as an auto-entrepreneur immediately upon my arrival (two language schools have offered me immediate work on condition that I am an auto-entrepreneur)
- I will be staying in a cousin’s apartment (he owns the apartment) for the first 4 weeks (not paying rent) while I am looking for my own accommodation.
My questions:
- Can I register in advance of moving to France by putting down my cousin’s address as the business address?
- If yes, does this effect his tax liabilities in any way?
- If no to question 1, can I begin work as an auto-entrepreneur prior having registered as one?
- If yes to question 3, does this mean, however, that I will be unable to invoice any client prior to having registered as an auto-entrepreneur and having received my Siret number?