April 2019
- Applying for Auto Entrepreneur status while on a long term visa in France
- How to register for TVA and what TVA rates apply?
- is it better to be paid monthly instead of lump sums?
- Micro-entrepreneur + SAS
- Microentrepreneur and deductions
- Is the SPI course still compulsory?
- TVA auto entrepreneur
- Business loans for auto-entrepreneurs
- Conflict of categories?
- ACRE on second business
- Can I legally start selling goods before I am officially a micro Enterprise
- French Tax declaration 2019
- Building Inspection
- When is first personal tax return due?
- Closing the auto-entrepreneur regime
- Regulations on prepackaged foods
- Personal tax declaration for micro-entrepreneur - in what box do I put my income?
- Iidentification-legale - Formulaire d’inscription
- Receipts / Invoices
- Déclaration Mensuelle De Chiffre D’Affaires
- Auto -entrepreneur
- Demande d’attribution d’un numéro de TVA intracommunautaire à un assujetti non redevable
- Register additional business under different regime.
- Small amount of income for my wife - but may only be for a few months?
- First Declaration for ME due - need quick clarification!
- Tax Identification Code
- NIF request from bank
March 2019
- Micro entrepreneur secondary/second activity
- Questionnaire for SIE
- What is a No TI?
- Attestation d’exonération Acre - social charge exoneration
- Zero earnings in first quarter and submitting tax return
- UK pension taxable?
- Affordable Attorney Services?
- APE - Affichage Obligatoire
- TVA no. intracommunautaire
- Selling a business in France
- CNETP - scam?
- Form - ‘Indexation des entreprises a la taxe sur la valeur ajoutee (TVA)
- Do I need to work for more than one client to be a micro-entrepreneur?
- Can I buy travel tickets from my Business Account?
- Insurance for Micro entrepreneur
- Trouble opening an Orange Bank account, how to access funds
- Income in foreign currency - clarification
- I wanted a second activity but modified my main one, help.
- Where do we register our business ?
- 2 part auto-entrepreneur question
- How is the Auto-entrepreneur turnover counted
- Livre de recettes and anti fraud software
- Where do I find my Numero Fiscal
- Registering and filing TVA tax as a Micro-Entrepreneur
- Declaring past quarterly social charges
February 2019
- End of Conjoint Collaborateur!
- Micro entrepreneur with limited liability and no professional bank account
- Spending for AE before I have bank account set up
- ACRE social charges exoneration
- Auto Entrepreneur insurance
- Declaring auto entrepreneur income
- Record Keeping for an auto entrepreneur
- Charging TVA for overseas clients
- Confusion with principal activitie
- Penalty For Late Declaration and Possible Relief Measures
- Stay UK Tax Resident with Auto Entrepreneur ?
- Siret
- Auto entrepeneur
- Which categorie to register auto entrepreneur
- Carte Vitale - Is a new one required when becoming an auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto Entrepreneur Tax Threshold!
- Dedicated Bank Account - Auto Entrepreneur
- Conjoint - can they become the chef?
- Auto-entrepeneur while travelling
- Income tax
- Which category ?
- Relevant CFE document from Impots
- Taxe Apprentissage and CSA
January 2019
- Stopping work altogether.
- HACCP training for Food van in France
- Louer Meublé Touristique and URSSAF Declaration trimestrielle de CA
- Change Auto Entrepreneur activity
- Tax return after leaving France
- Is it appropriate to set up as a micro entrepreneur for a very small amount of business
- How can I choose when to pay my declarations and why do I have 2 SIRET numbers?
- What is the company infos legales and whay are they sending me bills?
- What is the best way to add an unrelated activity to my existing business.
- How do I calculate resale income ?
- Opening a dedicated French bank account vs British
- Rupture Conventionnelle vs. Quitting to start auto-entrepreneur business in France
- Depot Legal letter
- Family owned UK Limited company and micro-entrepreneur
- Form received from Intergros OPCA
- OCTA Tax d’apprentissage et CSA Form
- Registering as a micro-entreprenuer
- Adding gite to existing business
- Auto-entrepreneur, expenses and carte de sejour
- Declaration Trimestrielle De Chiffre D’Affaires Form
- CFE form completion
- Problem with quarterly declaration
- What expenses can I claim with micro entrepreneur
- CFE Exemption
- Tax Declaration - No statement currently expected
- Going from Entreprise Individuelle back to auto entrepreneur.
- auto entrepreneur going over TVA threshold
December 2018
November 2018
- Book keeping/banking
- Paying CFE
- Tva registration
- Auto-entrepreneur and chèque emploi
- Tva threshold
- Non-residents and the 9807€ income tax allowance
- Regulation for Food van in France
- 2018 missing year for French income tax
- Auto entrepreneur in France or keep UK company
- Which regime? My turnover is likely to be 150000€ - Costs high 112,000€
- Micro entrepreneur quarterly turnover declaration
- Déclaration Sociale des Indépendants & LMNP
- Currently an Artisan under Micro / Auto entrepreneur and will start a side business in 2019
- Does the TVA threshold count social charges?
- Tax categories on net-entreprise
October 2018
- At what turnover point do you start paying social charges as an Auto entrepreneur
- S1 holder to become auto entrepreneur. What happens to family health cover?
- Rules regarding electronic invoicing
- First year tax benefits
- Amount of auto-entrepreneur businesses
- First year end micro entrepreneur
- What is DSN regime general?
- Requirements for setting up a meat based business
- Tva registration for micro entrepreneur
- Invoicing in other currencies
- CFE Form - Inscription au répertoire des métiers et de l’artisanat
- Receiving payments from UK Clients
- When do I legally have to declare myself a micro entrepreneur.
- Employee plus micro entrepreneur?
- Regional variations when setting up as new micro entrepreneur
- Joining Chambre de Metiers and URSSAFs’ directories - best way to do it and cost
- Expenses and third party costs
- What if I’m bad at my micro entrepreneur business but still have income?
- Can two micro entrepreneurs run one business?
- Opening SASU in addition to Auto-Entrepreneur in France
- Auto Entrepreneur closure and lose Carte Vitale
- Keeping it simple - Gite business in France
- Entrepreneur Visa application category for France
September 2018
- Micro entrepreneur and conjoint collaborateur
- Who do I contact for a change of address and to register for an extra actvity code?
- Difference between Auto/Micro-Entrepreneur and Entreprise Individuelle?
- Co-joints or separate micro entrepreneurs?
- How to deal with home agencies given that they ask bulletin de salaire?
- Clients in the EU and TVA shifted to recipient
- Income tax paid at source: prélèvement à la source impôt sur le revenu
- Activites as part of micro-entrepreneur: artist and gite
- Received a blank CFE form from the tax office
- Cannot access URSSAF account
- Auto entrepreneur first tax payment
- URSSAF and DSN issues with Net Entreprises
- Carte vitale and adding a new activity
- Should I add my wife as an interim dependant now?
- Affiliation with CIPAV for auto entrepreneur pension
August 2018
- UK Ltd company and autoentrepreneur
- French income tax form: Which box on 2042 C Pro?
- Business Insurance For Commercant
- Maternity cover for auto entrepreneur
- Taxation of UK pension in France
- Opening online impot.gouv.fr account
- Timing of first micro entrepreneur turnover declaration : trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires
- Registration with CNIL & Email Marketing
- Conditions Générales de Vente template for services
- Can’t find an alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes
- Using the French bank as a reference to the exchange rate
- Going from Entreprise Individuelle back to auto-entrepreneur.
- Late contribution payment by net enterprises
- Social charges on pension in France
- Difference between EI and Micro-Enterprise
- Microentrepreneur registration queries: activity type and l’assurance maladie
July 2018
- Tax return as auto entrepreneur - particulier or professionnel
- Social Security Number for Health Care
- Creating account at impots.gouv.fr site - Professionnel / particulier
- TVA threshold on services to EU companies
- How to invoice and declare commission from uk company
- Confusion over first declaration and payment of cotisations sociales
- Explanation of terminology for auto entrepreneur declarations
- Do I need to invoice my auto-entrepreneur business in order to pay myself?
- Domiciliation Address for auto entrepreneur
- Personal investment for starting as auto entrepreneur
- Affiliate marketing: activite commerciale or liberale?
- Receipts and Invoices for auto entrepreneur
- Payment schedule for social charges for declaration trimestrielle
- Is this work activity regulated in France?
- Micro entrepreneur: 3rd party online payment processing (e.g. PayPal) and VAT/TVA.
- Can we still declare our social charges via Net Entreprises?
- Compulsory 5 day training for artisan in France
- Dedicated bank account for micro entrepreneur
- Auto entrepreneur mandatory 3 day training
- Invoices VAT auto entrepreneurs
- Crypto Currency / Tokens
- Auto Entrepreneur Invoicing in other currencies
- Tax relief for children
- Auto-entrepreneur and RAM
June 2018
- Becoming a training centre
- Received 2000 € bill from ag2r La Mondiale
- Health care
- Adding my second nationality to my micro-entreprise details
- Ltd company in UK and Auto-entrepreneur in France
- Auto entrepreneur and maternity cover
- Registering as an Artiste libre plus another activity
- Registering entreprise individuelle under Regime Réel
- When to register for taxes in France
- Declaration des revenus for rental income?
- How much impot does an auto entrepreneur pay?
- Can I use a personal bank account for my auto-entrepreneur
- Auto entrepreneur with TVA registration
- Taxable income that cannot be a business
- What are social charges for a part time position commission only job as an auto-entrpreneur?
- Exchange rate on a French invoice
- Software/IT services and selling as a micro-entrepreneur.
- Online impots tax
May 2018
- One or two auto entrepreneur registrations?
- Should I declare my revenue on the Declaration Des Revenus 2017?
- What are my options as an Auto-Entrepreneur also working part-time for an unrelated business?
- Can Australians (non-EU) set up as Micro (auto) entrepreneurs in France?
- How to declare end 2017 consultancy payment as autoentrepreneur/chomeur?
- Adding activities to business SIRET number
- What is involved in “taking over” someone’s elses auto entrepreneur business?
- Income tax / Impôt sur le revenu for auto-entrepreneur: Some clients outside France
- Can one person have two totally separate businesses
- What do I provide as a VAT number if I am an auto-entrepreneur?
- Your feedback please: Taxation on gites and chambre d’hotes for micro entreprise
- English teacher utilising DIF or CPF training funds
- Micro entrepreneur social charges on rental income - 22% or 12.8%
- First 2042 C Pro Form for auto-entrepreneur
- Form 2042 C Pro Impôt sur le revenue online
- Income tax / Impôt sur le revenue for auto-entrepreneur: Form 2042 C Pro
- Auto Entrepreneur quarterly taxes: Is it Income Tax or Company Tax
- Can I invest working capital in my auto entrepreneur business?
- With my S1 family attestation, can I stay in the S1 system and become a micro or auto entrepreneur?
- Guide / Accompagnateur /Guide
- Yearly French income tax return in May
- Iicome tax: Advice for me who had no French address on 1st January
- Tax Form n° 2069-RCI
- Auto-entrepreneur income tax declaration: BNC professionnel ou non-professionnel?
- Confusion over 1st auto entrepreneur declaration
April 2018
- Registering as a builder
- Taxes and health insurance for auto-entrepreneur artisan
- Simplest way to pay tax on rental income for non-resident
- change of addresses for auto-entrepreneur
- Change of address
- What tax forms and where to fill in
- When do we have to complete a yearly tax return as auto-entrepreneurs
- Correct Impots forms to declare Rental Income in UK
- Can you please confirm the new changes to the declaration trimestrelle forms?
- CIPAV: if we pay too much we will be reimbursed?
- Is it possible to pay less TVA on used goods?
- Micro-entrepreneur quarterly declaration online
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover Limit exceeded in 2017, but now unsure what to do?
- Activity description for auto-entrepreneur cotisation
- Trouble with Impots website
- Change of address auto entrepreneur
- Link to online form P0 CMB for new micro-entreprise registration (commercial activity)
- Can two auto entrepreneurs have the same business services
- Next steps after receiving French business SIREN/SIRET number
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover declaration and online marketplaces
- Supplementing an auto-entrepreneur income with online work
- Error changing auto-entrepreneur business address
- Micro-Entrepreneur and SASU at the same time?
- What is required for starting a small business for baked goods?
- micro-entrepreneur & conjoint collaborateur for chambres d’hotes
- Clarification auto-entrepreneur and non profit association income
- Tax return form for microentrepreneur with no turnover
- Is the Micro entreprise right for me? Follow up
- When do I receive my French social security number
- When to make auto entrepreneur turnover declaration
- Changing auto-entrepreneur business address in France
- Which forms are sent out for quarterly micro entrepreneur turnover declaration?
- Invoicing as an auto-entrepreneur to clients in other EU countries
- Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises Declaration (CFE) - Form 751-SD
March 2018
- How do I calulate TVA for used goods internationally under micro-entrepreneur structure?
- Change of the place where activite profesionelle is carried out
- Allowance in 2017 Tax return for 2016 URSSAF payments?
- Other activities in addition to an existing micro enterprise
- Changing from Auto-entrepreneur to an association?
- First auto-entrepreneur turnover declaration form
- Auto-entrepreneur and TVA tax
- Can an auto-entrepreneur be paid on French and UK bank account
- When are social charges due on invoices: issue date or payment date
- TVA and social charges for auto-entrepreneur in France
- Changing from SASU to Auto-entrepreneur
- What APE code for Telesales in France?
- Impots, social charges and UK bank account
- Training Funding for auto-entrepreneurs
- TVA rate from the customer’s country applicable to AE in France
- Micro entrepreneur
- Auto-entrepreneur Vs Salary
- Charging VAT in the UK
- General Questions about auto-entrepreneur in France
- Goodwill from supplier
- Auto-entrepreneur being shut down because of no activity
February 2018
- How much tax must I pay as an Auto-Entrepreneur
- Mise de demeure from Urssaf for late payment
- Changes to monthly auto-entrepreneur declaration
- Tax number
- Micro-entrepreneur taxation for English teacher
- Invoicing uk company with French business
- PRO BTP correspondence
- CFE Form - Declaration Cotisation Form 751-SD
- Auto-entrepreneur visa as a self-employed online community manager, writer and editor
- Is Kbis a legal obligation for a micro entrepreneur?
- Micro entrepreneur and retirement
- Micro Entrepreneur and Pole Emploi contributions
- Change regime from Entreprise Individuelle to Auto Entrepreneur
- Visa to migrate to France and start marketing business
- How to declare part time work in France
- How much should I charge as an auto-entrepreneur?
- New TVA rules applying to ongoing AE buying/selling of goods activity
- Pool maintenance services as auto-entrepreneur
January 2018
- Adding Chambre d’hote to auto-entrepreneur
- Mixed service and sales
- First payments to RSI
- Social security number and Carte Vitale for entrepreneur
- RSI now Secu Independants - how do I find who to talk to?
- First micro-entrepreneur quarterly turnover limits
- Photographer profession liberale to one day switch to artisan
- First micro entrepreneur turnover declaration?
- CFE Form 1447-c
- Business requirements
- What is the Siren Status
- Drinks licence requirements for a private event
- Questions regarding addresses for auto-entrepreneur
- How to add an extra activity to an auto-entrepreneur?
- taxe d’apprentissage and CSA
- Micro entrepreneur and healthcare cover
- Should I have insurance as an Auto-entrepreneur?
- URSSAF first auto entrepreneur turnover declaration
- Professional online account with Impots Gouv website
- Non EU spouse starting an auto entrepreneur business
- When to pay first micro entrepreneur taxes
- Auto entrepreneur turnover allowance
- Children and toilets on work premises
- Does the new 2019 income tax “prélevé à la source” apply to auto-entrepreneur?
December 2017
- Auto entrepreneur - 9 months in, no carte vitale received yet
- Who handles Impot Liberatoire and impact on personal situation
- Declaration and Paying auto-entrepreneur turnover online
- Completing CFE form for first time
- Where can I pay my business CFE if not on-line?
- CFE 2018 and change of business premises
- Help with the P2-P4 form (Modification d’activité)
- Do I declare the amount of money received or the amount of my invoices in a time period
- French auto-entrepreneur: implications of working in another EU country?
- Completion of CFE Form for 2018
- How to Stop paying Income Tax Impot Liberatoire
- CFE Exemption for first year in business in France
- CFE and “reference de l’avis d’impot”
- CFE form - Question about “cadre C”
- CFE form - Help with filling it in
- Closing down auto-entrepreneur business in first year of trading
- As a micro-entreprise what kind of assistance and/or tax credit is available for me and my children?
- Net-entreprises website problems
November 2017
- Taxe d’habitation and Micro Entrepreneur
- Setting up as graphic artist-layouts in France
- Can an auto-entrepreneur get an extrait Kbis
- What should my wife register as - building trade in France
- What to add on a French Invoice
- Micro-entrepreneur with different activities?
- Micro entrepreneur: invoicing a client outside France, add TVA?
- Are micro-entrepreneurs entitled to a Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)
- Confusion around the AE turnover limit and TVA threshold
- Can I work as a freelancer and maintain my status as a micro-entrepreneur?
- Business start date for an auto-entrepreneur in France
- Can I have an auto entrepreneur and work as an employee CDD or CDI
- How to get ERP accessibility : Attestation conformité Etablissement Recevant du Public
- Domiciliation and premium rate numbers
- Claiming materials costs as an auto entrepreneur
- Can an auto-entrepreneur import goods?
- Cotisation foncière des enterprises
- Follow on question re carte vitale after closing auto entrepreneur
- Registering as an auto-entrepreneur midway in the year knowing the law might change
- TVA for overseas clients?
- Getting a mortgage as an auto-entrepreneur
- Closing down auto entrepreneur and carte vitale
- Chambre De Metiers Compulsory Training
- Impot form further to change of business address
- Klesia demanding a payment of 2000 euros
- Turnover allowance for auto-entrepreneur with several activities?
- CFE IFER Email : Is this a scam or another tax to pay?
- Buying a computer for more than €500
- Reopening after closing down as an auto-entrepreneur
October 2017
- Should I indicate “HT” on my invoices?
- IT Contracting in France, best way to start?
- Quarterly and yearly taxes
- Can I obtain a TVA number even though I am exempt from TVA?
- How to make a profit?
- Affiliation with CIPAV as auto-entrepreneur
- Closing down an auto-entrepreneur and URSSAF declarations
- Can a proofreader come under the auto entrepreneur system?
- Auto-entrepreneur registration
- Starting a micro entrepreneur in France
- Close down auto-entrepreneur status after moving abroad
- Compulsory Chambre de Metiers Training for Aide De Domicile
- Additional activity and new SIRET number
- Registering a gite and chambre d’hotes with A1 form
- P2-P4 Change of Address Form
- Tax return in France - micro entrepreneur
- Clarification about business activity code
- Can I hold a UK Director and French auto-entrepreneur position at the same time?
- new social charges for auto entrepreneurs in 2018
- How and where to register my gite business as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Health Cover for an auto-entrepreneur spouse
- Advice for starting small English business as an auto-entrepreneur
- Can International wire transfers bank charges be withdrawn from turnover declaration?
- How do you become a chimney sweep in France - ramoneur
September 2017
- How to fill in CFE form for a new business (form 751-SD)
- Chambre De Commerce Services a Domicile
- New Social charges change for auto-entrepreneurs
- Where to register a services à domicile business in France
- Expenses incurred as auto-entrepreneur
- Should I receive an Avis appel de cotisation from RSI
- Auto-entrepreneur in 2018 versus entreprise individuelle régime réel simplifié
- Employment options for a part time training/teaching work
- Paying taxes as an auto-entrepreneur in France
- Which official document proves you have an auto-entrepreneur
- Being paid by a non profit association in France
- Auto-entrepreneur and option for impot liberatoire
- Auto-entrepreneur settled in France and providing services for clients outside France
- Advantages of auto entrepreneur versus SASU with new 2018 changes
- Going from profession liberale to artisan or artist in France
- Going over the auto-entrepreneur pro-rata limit of 33,200 in 2017
- Non-related secondary activity on the auto-entrepreneur regime
- Setting up business, bank, training, carte vitale, health and regime fiscal micro
- Obtaining work in France
- Cotisation for business development as auto entrepreneur
- How to register as a gardener in France
- Retirement entitlement for an auto entrepreneur in France
August 2017
- What procedure to follow to register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I need to write contracts for my clients in France or can I just invoice them?
- Can you have an auto entrepreneurs and a SASU in the same family?
- Renting property as an auto-entrepreneur?
- How to make an URSSAF turnover declaration? And what to do if you’ve missed one trimester?
- Changing activity as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Starting a gardening business in France?
- Register as hairdresser in France?
July 2017
- Subcontract work in France?
- Flower seller in France?
- Taux en percentage for URSSAF?
- Timing of auto-entrepreneur registration over summer?
- I will be changing my job - do I need to change the auto-entrepreneur details?
- Working for a UK company, acting as a sales agent - auto-entrepreneur or portage salarial?
- Avis d’Imposition for Bank Account?
- Micro-Entrepreneur declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires?
- Auto-entrepreneur commission only?
- Changing from auto-entrepreneur to a business?
- Can micro-entrepreneur use “nom commercial” along with legal name in newsletter email?
- Negative revenue returns for RSI?
- Carte vitale helpline?
- Registering a business in France?
- Micro-enterprise - is it the right one for me?
- The most tax efficient system for the non-resident gite owner?
- Sharing a space with other micro-entrepreneurs?
June 2017
- Do I need to separate activities as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Best way of setting up a partnership with a UK resident?
- URSSAF Attestation that my cotisations are up to date?
- How much tax do I pay as a micro-entrepreneur?
- Crowdfunding for micro-entrepreneurs?
- French laws governing email marketing for micro-entrepreneurs?
- What tax liability for micro-entreprise business in year one?
- Glamping site insurance necessary in France?
- Which assurance is suitable for micro-entrepreur commerçant?
- Do we need professional liability insurance in France?
- New business in France - household decorative items, cosmetic jewellery, brand leather goods?
- How to take the profit from an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Attestation CSG/CRDS?
- French taxes on auto-entrepreneur income 2042 CK pro?
- Attestation Fiscale 2016?
- Can I register as an auto-entrepreneur business before residence in France?
- Where to go to register online as an auto-entrepreneur to resell items in markets?
May 2017
- Attestation Fiscale 2016 - finding a copy?
- Auto-entrepreneur business application refused - why?
- Social charges for printed merchandise?
- Auto-entrepreneur online account with autoentrepreneur.fr?
- Is it possible to modify a registration for an auto-entrepreneur / conjoint collaborateur business?
- Registering a micro-entrepreneur business for printed merchandise and selling ceramics?
- Can conjoint collaborateur social charges be changed online?
- Is there a limit to how many APE codes can be associated with a business in France?
- Classification on RSI form?
- What happens if I go over the pro-rata 33,200 euros limit as an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Is the auto-entrepreneur conjoint collaborateur scheme right for us?
- Recognised qualification needed for decorating work in France?
- How do I add an activity (shopping tour guide) to my business registered in France?
April 2017
- Rental income from a house in another EU member state?
- How does the forfait deduction work for auto-entrepreneurs in business?
- Does this profession qualify for auto-entrepreneur?
- Should I register a museum and cafe business in France at the same time?
- Income outside France not related to auto-entrepreneur?
- Yearly fees to be expected as an auto-entrepreneur?
- What is the reason for certain accounting procedures for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Auto-entrepreneur business setup and benefits in France?
- Where do I find attestation fiscale for auto-entrepreneur?
- Separation of activities for an auto entrepreneur business?
- Which tax deductions can I make as an auto-entrepreneur?
- 2017 Cotisation Fonciere Enterprise Form 1447-C-K - question 27 Section C?
- Am I exempt from the Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises?
- Additional gardening business set up in France?
- Add a category to my existing auto-entrepreneur business?
- Is Appel de Cotisation from Centre National Entreprise (CNE) real or a scam?
March 2017
- Why has RSI canceled my auto-entrepreneur business here in France?
- VAT for imported goods in France?
- How to set up as an auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- French invoice details for EU member states?
- Tea room or not a tea room business set up in France?
- Registering with net enterprises in France?
- How to calculate earnings as an auto-entrepreneur business?
- How do I go about paying my business income tax in France?
- Declaring French tax bill on an old auto-entrepreneur business account?
- Documents for the US social security?
- Slightly different business insurance numbers?
- When do I need to declare the annual Impot for 2016?
- Help with change of business address?
- Help with business registration in France?
- Can I add another business activity in France via GREFFE?
- How to register as an auto-entrepreneur in France?
February 2017
- Should book royalties be declared as auto-entrepreneur business income?
- What is the best way to register a business in France?
- Do I have to invoice clients in France via my business?
- What should an invoice in France contain to be valid?
- Contributions to organisations FNCIP-HT?
- How do I obtain proof of income as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Has my business in France been closed down?
- Apprehensive about taking the auto-entrepreneur step?
- How to cancel professional business insurance?
- Change of address for artisan and info-siren?
- How do I transform from auto-entrepreneur to portage salarial?
- How do I make a 2016 tax declaration in France?
- French translations on UK invoices and website necessary?
- Setting up as auto-entrepreneur - correct category?
- What is the best way to take payment from a company?
- Social costs of family SARL business?
- Change a business and insurance for the business in France?
- How do I stop my personal business address appearing on Internet searches?
- Import goods before we start a business in France?
- Social rights and maiden name to use when setting up a business in France?
- CPAM to RSI - how would this affect my health cover in France?
- As an auto-entrepreneur can I register a business name?
- Compulsory 30 hours training course before registering a business in France?
- Establishing a gite business in France and health cover?
- Auto-entrepreneur bank account?
- Do I need to complete the AG2R forms?
- Can a micro-entrepreneur bank account be used for non-business transactions?
- Cost to be business partners in an auto-entrepreneur business?
- What are the respective roles and responsibilities of RSI and URSSAF?
- Tax and social charges on a micro-entrepreneur business in France?
- Micro-enterprise ayant droit to conjoint collaborateur in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur/micro-enterprise and bank account?
- How do I start a bike hire business here in France?
January 2017
- Is it better to close my business in favour of CESU in France?
- How do I fill out my quarterly turnover declaration form?
- Should my wife start her own business in France?
- Business-to-business VAT in the EU?
- Auto-entrepreneur using TESE to employ someone in France?
- What do I need to do to register as an auto-entrepreneur on an APS Visa?
- How do I pay declaration trimestrielle?
- Cotisation foncière des entreprises 2017 form box A2?
- Running a catered activity holiday business in France?
- Coupling a French business association with micro-enterprise?
- When does a new business in France have to start trading?
- Routine costs associated with an auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- How do I complete my business application form in France?
- When do I declare auto-entrepreneur turnover when set up as a business in France?
- Payment required to register as an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Smart ways to put business expenses through a micro-enterprise in France?
- What happens if my turnover exceeds the maximum for a micro-entrepreneur?
- What is URSSAF and RSI?
- Should I become an auto-entrepreneur business only?
- Auto-entrepreneur conjoint collaborateur or SARL business?
- Has my business application in France been electronically sent?
- What is organisme conventionne?
- How to answer salary questions on starting a new business in France?
- Downloadable or pre-recorded videos/tutorials as goods or services?
- How should I manage an increase in my French business expenses?
- How do I register as a micro-entrepreneur here in France?
December 2016
- Change of status with INSEE and confused about declaration with RSI?
- Can I rent space alongside other business auto-entrepreneurs in France?
- Completing cotisation fonciere des enterprises (CFE) 2017
- Our online request to close our auto-entrepreneur business declined?
- Can two independant auto-entrepreneurs work together on the same job?
- Contribution à la Formation Professionelle (CFP): how to get reimbursed for training?
- Do I have to complete the cotisation fonciere des enterprises form?
- Do I need to register a separate activity if I do residential English teaching in France?
- What is the tax process for a micro-entrepreneur business?
- CFE contisation fonciere des enteprise 2017?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur act as a bureau de liaison?
- How do I close down my auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- How do I move business department in France?
- Completing CFE 2017 form?
November 2016
- What happens to my business in France when I reach retirement age?
- CFE business reference does not match my fiscal number?
- First cotisations payment not received?
- Social charges and tax for auto-entrepreneur business?
- Joint business with two people - how to do if both have URSSAF?
- Time frame once registered for micro-entreprise business?
- How do I add an extra business activity to my auto-entrepreneur gite?
- Is assurance responsabilite civile professionnelle required?
- Reopening micro-entrepreneur business in France?
- How do I register a decorator business in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur business or conjoint collaborateur?
- Setting up as auto-entrepreneur as accompagnatrice in France?
- Employment by an association in France?
- Assurance responsabilite civile professionnelle?
- Micro-entrepreneur business set up timescales?
- Are auto-entrepreneur business social charges going to increase in 2017?
- Can you set up a micro-entrepreneur business for me in France?
- How to pay cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) online?
- Minimum hours of work in business setup in France?
- The implications of a having a separate bank account as auto-entrepreneur
- Do auto-entrepreneurs have to register and pay CFE tax?
- How to register another line of work as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Email from URSSAF?
- Auto-entrepreneur CFE payment timescale?
- Attending a course as part of auto-entrepreneur set-up?
- Liability as micro-entrepreneur?
- URSSAF n’est pas CFE competent?
- How do I setup a wedding photographer business in France?
October 2016
- Quarterly business declaration online?
- Birth certificate format and translation to set up a business in France?
- Conjoint collaborateur payment?
- Do different countries tax authorities communicate with France Impots?
- Documentation needed to set up a business at the chambre de commerce?
- How do I fill in declaration trimestrielle de recettes?
- Cheque for Declaration Trimestrielle de Recettes?
- Change of business activity or ceasing as auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I have to join registre des professionnels in France?
- My first déclaration mensuelle de recettes?
- What happens when my business goes over the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
- EORI registration?
- How do I add a second activity to my business in France?
- Employment in public sector and auto-entrepreneur business?
- How to register for trimestrielle de chiffre d’affarires online?
- Can a British national remain in France with an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Can I have an assistant for one to three days every now and again and them bill the client direct?
- Do I have to have professional insurance as a wedding planner in France?
- Business in France buying items on behalf of clients?
September 2016
- Can an auto-entrepreneur invoice for a subcontractor?
- Do I need to change my business address in France?
- How do I close my auto-entrepreneur business offline?
- What is Les Affiches Legales?
- Setting up as micro-entrepreneurs as a couple?
- How do I set up a business to sell on Amazon?
- Health care cover for spouse of micro-entrepreneur business?
- Register as an auto-entrepreneur and charging my SAS buisness?
- Insurance for a auto-entrepreneur business swimming instructor?
- Sickness benefits for auto-entrepreneur business?
- RSI declaration whilst on ACCRE?
- Setting up online to register to pay cotisations?
- As an auto-entrepreneur can I be paid by chèque emploi?
- How do I register my work interests in France?
- Provision of accountancy services in France?
- Which business regime would be best for an artist/furniture builder?
- Paying tax as micro-entrepreneur?
- Is it possible to pay declaration without using the Internet?
- What type of business should I set up in France?
- What type of business to set up for holiday homes?
- URSSAF solde crediteur?
- Do I need to pay Impot sur le revenu?
- RAM has closed online account, what can I do now to access account?
- Stage prealable a l’installation necessary on adding business activity?
August 2016
- How do I add language teaching to my current auto-entrepreneur business?
- What is avis amiable from RSI?
- Déclaration trimestrielle de recettes for an auto-entrepreneur?
- Refund form for CIPAV payments?
- When will my carte vitale arrive?
- Working in France and switzerland?
- Has my auto-entrepreneur business been registered?
- Can a French registered business have only one client?
- Paperwork after micro-entrepreneur registration?
- CIPAV payments as micro-entrepreneur?
- Banking details for URSSAF?
- What is the process for closing down an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Do I have to declare my move from France to Impots?
- Tax advantages / difference between URSSAF and Impots?
- Set up as an auto-entrepreneur before moving to France?
- Auto-entrepreneur for artisan wedding photographer in France?
July 2016
- How do I pay my declaration trimestrielle de recettes online?
- Taking UK work into account when calculating pension?
- Continuing a business in France after retirement?
- How do I set up a primary and secondary business here in France?
- How do I claim on my business training allowance?
- Business letters received - what action do I take?
- How do I change my business to a regulated trade in France?
- How does a profession liberale micro-entrepreneur add a second NAF or APE?
- Does a micro-entrepreneur profession liberale need to charge TVA?
- How do I complete declaration trimestrielle each quarter?
- When to start my micro-enterprise business?
- How do I find out how my business in France is set up?
- Does a profession liberalé auto-entrepreneur need to register with RCS?
- What type of self employment when earning in Zurich and living in France?
- What is Attestation Fiscale de Domiciliation?
- Secondary income as auto-entrepreneur business?
- How do I record business income paid in pounds into my UK account?
- Auto-entrepreneur or SARL business for restaurant?
- Do I need business bank account for a micro-enterprise?
- Can I register as an auto-entrepreneur gardener?
- What category to use for my fitness and health business?
- When can I start an upholstery business in France?
- Can a micro-entrepreneur add a beneficaire d’assurance maladie at any date?
- Which regime fiscal (BNC/BIC) and category for auto-entrepreneur in IT?
- How do I use impots.gouv.fr to declare business income?
- When do we pay cotisation foncière des entreprises?
- How do we set up mobile catering in France?
- Earnings over the auto-entrepreneur limit?
- How do I get my business Carte Vitale back to RAM?
- What period does the second business trimester include?
- Can I register a micro-entrepreneur business in France?
- Social charges and two businesses under the one auto-entrepreneur?
- Is the auto-entrepreneur scheme suitable for my business?
June 2016
- How to get started as a micro-enterprise in France?
- How to setup an agent commercial and art business in France?
- Do I have to change my auto-entrepreneur business address?
- How long does it take to receive my SIRET number?
- Can I offer retired clients a tax rebate as a micro-entrepreneur?
- Classification for Auto-Entrepreneur and Loi Macron?
- How to get a Kbis?
- My bank is asking for proof of auto-entrepreneur status?
- Percentage of tax and fees from portage salarial vs ME?
- Sub contracting tax?
- Dedicated bank account for auto-entrepreneur business?
- How long does it take to start an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Am I being asked to leave France?
- If I become an auto-entrepreneur will I keep my carte vitale?
- PUMA - Protection Universelle Maladie?
- What APE codes should I use for my businesses here in France?
- Paper form to register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I lose my Carte Vitale when I close my business in France?
May 2016
- Am I required to get professional insurance as a business in France?
- Tax codes on declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires?
- How should my UK clients pay my French business?
- What are the steps to declare business income in France?
- RSI requesting my birth certificate and residence permit?
- Dedicated bank account for auto-entrepreneur business?
- Auto-entrepreneur general labourer?
- What is the best way to set up as a freelancer in Paris?
- Is it better to register as an Independent Agent or an Agent Commercial?
- Can I claim micro-entrepreneur profession liberale expenses?
- Do I need to register a business here in France and when?
- Choosing between profession liberal and commercial?
- Can I register as a counsellor in France?
- How do I register a business name in France?
- Can I pay auto-entrepreneur tax at source?
- How do I fill in form 2042C?
- Is there a minimum income required to be eligible for health care?
- Does liability Loi Macron apply to my new business?
- Records for micro-entrepreneur business registered in France?
- Monthly tax payments for micro-entrepreneur in France?
- Payment methods for micro-entrepreneur in France?
- Publicly available information as a business registered in France?
- Percentage split of clients for micro-entrepreneur turnover?
- How do I start a business in France again?
- How do I speed up the paper work to start my business in France?
- How do I use declaration mensuelle de chiffre d’affaires?
- Why am I getting letters from AG2R La Mondiale?
- What is the maximum income for artisan in France?
- Can my partner work in my French registered business?
April 2016
- Business or personal tax for a rented house in France?
- Is it possible to re apply for ACCRE in France?
- Can I use two different trading names as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Any declarations beyond those to URSSAF?
- 4e trimestre not showing in declaration section of net-enterprise.fr?
- How do I pay 1.7% tax when making quarterly return to net-enteprise?
- Does my business owe RSI money?
- Going over the auto-entrepreneur business limit in France?
- Can I be an Agent Commerciale in France?
- Should I use Net Entreprises or Auto-entrepreneur site?
- Do we have to register a business in France?
- What do I do with the declaration trimestrielle URSSAF sent me?
- How do I re register an auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- Dates to use on Declaration Trimestrielle de Recettes?
- How do I request business documents from URSSAF?
- How do I start a business as an English teacher in France?
- Do I have to include taxe de sejour as business income in France?
- What documents does my business have to show my local tax office?
- How do I declare turnover earned in UK and France?
- What is Malakoff Mederic?
- Do I need a permanent address when registering business in France?
- Do I need a French tax number before registering a business?
- How do I change the registration of my business in France?
- What happens when the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit is exceeded?
- How do I write a business quotation in France?
- Clarification regarding auto-entrepreneur monthly cotisations?
March 2016
- Where can I download the declaration de revenus 2042 for 2016?
- Is there a standard French invoice template for auto-entrepreneurs?
- I’ve forgotten to declare anything to RSI in the first 90 days?
- Can I add a secondary profession to my auto-entrepeneur buisiness? If so, what are the implications?
- What is French business form 2042 C for?
- Does an auto-entrepreneur charge TVA on services to French clients?
- Can I register as an auto-entrepreneur and have only one client?
- When can we register as auto-entrepreneurs when moving to France?
- Qualification needed to become trainer/instructor for swimming in France?
- How do I register a business online in France to sell things?
- Declaration sociale des independents?
- Where do I get a tax number for French business bank account?
- What is formulaire d’enregistrement?
- Should I change the type of business I have registered in France?
- Declaration sociale des independents?
- How do I complete the auto-entrepreneur form for healthcare?
- Setting up gite management auto-entrepreneur business?
- Change from auto-entrepreneur to micro-entrepreneur business in France?
- How do I register a French business that creates Google Ads online?
- Do I have to pay cotisations when my business in France is not earning?
- How do I close an auto-entrepreneur company in France?
- How do I register a bookkeeper business in France?
- What is the correct TVA for an auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- Administrative process at ADEFIM RCN?
- Advice on moving to France and starting a business?
February 2016
- Should I become a become a micro-entrepreneur in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur application?
- Register two enterprises as the same micro-entrepreneur business?
- How do I fill in form 751-SD for a gite in France?
- What is the cost of registering for entreprise individuelle in France?
- What type of business structure for website in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur in France for existing US online business?
- Are there new business regulations in France regarding monthly cotisation payments?
- Can I set up a business in France if I have APS status?
- Registration of a business as an auto entrepreneur in France?
- How do I set up a gardening business in France?
- How do I change my French business principle activity to secondary?
- Are delivery costs included in cotisation calculations?
- Business registration in France for home and garden services?
- Unable to set up business in France?
- How do I pay CFE online?
- How do I set up a business in France to sell items I make on a market?
- Cost of adding someone as an ayant droit to my business in France?
- What is the maximum time I can work in France using a UK business?
- How does HT and TTC work for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Can an auto entrepreneur register his pregnant girlfriend as a dependant?
- New micro-entrepreneur business healthcare cover?
- How is the auto-entrepreneur pension calculated in France?
- Registering my ecommerce business in France?
- Do I need to register my business somewhere else in France?
- I have registered my French business, what’s next?
- How do I contact URSSAF about taking the same payment twice?
- How long does it take for guichet-entreprise to create a business?
- Cotisation (social security rates) for 2016?
- Register as an micro-entrepreneur under the new rules as of Jan 2016?
- Do I pay URSSAF or setup a direct debit from my bank account?
- Is my business in France registered correctly?
- Application form for auto-entrepreneur?
- Can my business carry out consultancy work in France?
- Should I pay my French business income into my business bank account?
- Can a student in France start an auto-entrepreneur business?
- When should I register as a micro-entrepreneur in France?
- Tax based on parts for reel-simplifie or SARL business?
- Do I need to mention agent commercial on form cerfa 15260*01?
- Where to obtain documents for RSI?
January 2016
- Which business income must be declared on net-entreprises.fr?
- How do I pay my business CFE and IFER in France?
- How do I arrange to pay my business cotisations monthly in France?
- Pension and sickness benefits for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Is my husband covered by my carte vitale?
- How do I pay CFE payment late?
- Can a micro-entrepreneur business have a ten digit TVA number?
- Registering and declaring cotisations online?
- How do I set up a consulting business in France?
- Which is the best way forward for us to set up a business in France?
- Do I need to register on Le portail des auto-entrepreneurs?
- Confusion over APE/Activite principale exercee in France?
- Chambre de metiers or auto-entrepreneur for cleaning business?
- Completion of trimestrielle form?
- Do I need to send a mandate form to my bank for SEPA?
- Making out and sending a business check to URSSAF in France?
- Who do I charge TVA?
- What type of business should I register in France to sell on markets?
- What is the right way to pay quarterly business limits in France?
- Micro entrepreneur and French health system?
- How to choose between ayant droit and collaborating partner?
- Is my business suitable for auto-entrepreneur/micro-entrepreneur?
- First payment via Net-Entreprises.fr?
- Deadlines for declarations trimestrielle de recettes?
- Moving departments with existing businesses in France?
- Artisan micro-entrepreneur turnover limits in France explained
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover limits services and sales in France?
- Can a husband and wife work together as auto-entrepreneurs?
- Have I missed an end of year business declaration?
- How do I get a permanent INSEE number?
- Can a business in France have only one UK based client?
- What is a attestation fiscale micro-entrepreneur?
- Mandat de Prelevement SEPA?
- Can I change my business in France to micro-entrepreneur?
- What is a SIREN number?
- Markup limit on roofing materials sold as auto-entrepreneur?
- Can a British and French business work together and share an OPCA number?
- How do I pay missed cotisation payments?
- Do I have to register my business with the Chamber of Commerce?
- Can I register a business at my home address in France?
- How do I calculate and pay the tax my business owes?
- How to make a declaration trimestrielle de recettes online?
- How do I set up a micro-entrepreneur business in France?
December 2015
- APE code and business setup for freelance dance teacher in France?
- Where do I put my income on declaration trimestelle?
- Do auto-entrepreneurs have to sign up to a new business register?
- Do you have a guide to the Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE) form?
- Are these scam letters sent to French registered businesses?
- Micro-entrepreneur or regime reel to start a fishing business in France?
- Completion of part B1 of Cotisation Fonciere des Enterprise form?
- Can a micro-entrepreneur work with a company in which he is a 15% shareholder?
- Is micro-entrepreneur suited for my work situation in France?
- Micro-entrepreneur in France clarification on changes?
- Is my handyman business in France registered correctly?
- How do I fill in Cotistation Fonciere form for 2016?
- How to fill in section C of the cotisation fonciere form?
- Income thresholds in France from multiple businesses?
- Paper or online cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) form?
- CFE exemption for new auto-entrepreneur businesses in France?
- How do I change option versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu?
- Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises 1447 CK part 7 clarrification?
- When should I pay cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) tax?
- Is it possible to be an auto-entrepreneur in France and have a company in Hungary?
- How can I make a cotisation fonciere des entreprises payment?
- How do I change the nationality registered on my business registration?
- How do I fill out cotisation fonciere des entreprises 2015?
- Where do I submit my next auto-entrepreneur earnings?
- Where do I send form Cerfa 15260*01?
- Help with cotisation foncière des entreprises section C?
- How to change from micro-entreprise au réel back to auto-entrepreneur?
- Changes coming to the auto-entrepeneur structure?
- How do I change VDI business status to auto-entrepreneur?
- Can I set up a business in France and also work the summer season on a CDD?
- Do I have to join registre des professionnels?
- How do I fill in cotisation fonciere des entreprises 2016?
- How to contact URSSAF?
- Will changes to my auto-entrepreneur affect my cotisations?
- Do the auto-entrepreneur changes mean I have to re register?
- How to call URSSAF from abroad?
- Online access to the date of (re)enrollment as auto-entrepreneur?
- Summary of auto-entrepreneur changes?
- Form 751-SD Comptable / Domicile?
- Changes to auto-entrepreneur system in France next year?
- What is this letter from RAM about?
- Can auto-entrepreneurs use an online domiciliation address?
- Rates for social charges and income tax?
November 2015
- Is insurance mandatory for my business in France?
- Sales and services costs for my business in France?
- Pass through money for digital products as an auto-entrepreneur / profession libérale?
- Cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) 2014?
- What permits or papers do EU citizens need to work in France?
- Selling a house in France with a business?
- Exempt from CFE in the first year of business?
- Can I benefit from pole emploi?
- Is there a different form for CCI if business was registered this year?
- Remuneration for consultancy?
- Contract needed for registration?
- Selling a house which is registered to an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Forming auto-entrepreneur for myself and partner?
- Problems filling in form Cerfa n°15260*01?
- Registering a photography business while working with a multinational?
- Changes to auto-entrepreneur letter from CCI Flers Argentan?
- How do I deal with the paperwork after registering as an auto-entrepreneur?
- When do I have to declare my auto-entrepreneur turnover?
- How do I cancel a contract?
- Do I have to register with RCS by 19 December 2015?
- How do I register a gardening and painting business in France?
- Why is agent commercial not shown on my business registration?
- Process for closing down auto entrepeneur business?
- Am I eligible to apply for ACCRE?
- What is the basis for cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) tax?
- Where does my auto-entrepreneur mail get sent?
- How do I start a cooking and delivery business from home in France?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur use a trading name?
October 2015
- What are the implications of a late registration to pay CFE tax?
- How do I send a check to URSSAF?
- What happens to health cover after close of auto-entrepreneur business?
- What’s the deadline for payment of CFE tax?
- How do I register as an agent commercial in France?
- How to pay cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) online?
- How do I make a late declaration de recettes?
- Do I have to register to pay the CFE tax online before the 28 October?
- Is it compulsory to register with AG2R?
- Do I have to change my business address?
- When do I make my first declaration trimestrielle de recettes?
- How do I access my net-entreprise payment?
- What is the best structure for contracting for companies out side France?
- What are the key dates for auto-entrepreneur taxes?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur do insurance approved work?
- Am I supposed to mention of RCS and RM on my invoices?
- What should I be receiving after registering as auto-entrepreneur?
- What number do I put on my invoices, SIREN or SIRET?
- Cotisations on declaration trimestrielle?
- Do I have to pay contribution fonciere des entreprises (CFE) tax this year?
- Auto-entrepreneur CAF reimbursements for child care?
- Is it right that my client already paid cotisations sociales on my invoice?
- Can I pay my first declaration from my personal bank account?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur business have a company name?
- What should an auto-entrepreneur put on an invoice?
- Do I need insurance responsibility civile professionnel?
- When is the Contribution Economique Territoriale normally invoiced?
- Do I have to register with the Chambre de Metiers?
- Can I register a business as an electrician and receive ACCRE?
- Where do I register online to pay contribution fonciere des entreprises?
- What is CFEnet and should I register for it?