October 2015
- How can I check if my husband is covered by my carte vitale?
- How do I make my third quarter return?
- How do I change option versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu?
- Are cotisations on materials purchased different to labour?
- Can my husband and I function separately with two different businesses?
- How do I pay URSSAF retrospectively?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur rent a garage?
- Do I have to register with the Chambre of Commerce?
- How can I declare my trimestrielle de recettes en ligne?
- How does an auto-entrepreneur business pay social charges in France.
- Minimum earnings to stay in auto-entrepreneur system?
- Do we have to register with the chamber of commerce?
- How do I change my auto-entrepreneur business activity code?
- Start a full time job and keep my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Is kbis another auto-entrepreneur scam?
September 2015
- Are there any currency conversions rules when declaring income?
- Are digital copies of receipts OK for expenses?
- Is there a required statement for invoices when you are not charging TVA?
- What is ‘Paiements de vos impôts et taxes’ about?
- What are the auto-entrepreneur turnover thresholds to qualify for a French pension?
- What to write in form 751-SD?
- Business bank account or personal account for auto-entrepreneur?
- What is the purpose of form 751-SD?
- What is Info-Siret service?
- Who do I declare agent commercial declarations to?
- City and guilds plastering diploma to start a business in France?
- Can I add agent commercial to my auto-entrepreneur business?
- How does an auto-entrepreneur set up supplementary health insurance?
- How long before I can start trading after registering a business in France?
- Registered as Auto-Entrepreneur (commerce) - now chambre de commerce?
- What is info-siret?
- Separate business bank account for auto-entrepreneur in France?
- How do I register as an auto-entrepreneur builder in France?
- How and when do I pay my auto-entrepreneur business tax online?
- How do I create a business account with net-entreprises?
- Are CESU and auto-entrepreneur compatible?
- Auto-entrpreneur - is RSI obligatory?
- How do the auto-entrepreneur tax options work?
- Several business under one auto-entrepreneur account?
- Can I outsource work as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Pension rights for a conjoint collaborateur?
- Can I continue to pay cotisations by cheque?
- What do I do with these auto-entrepreneur documents?
- Which business category for administration and website design work?
August 2015
- How do I declare cash payments in my auto-entrepreneur business?
- A misunderstanding with the bank?
- How do I add a secondary activity to my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur add a second business as a limited sole trader?
- Do I have to pay the one percent voluntary contribution?
- When should I pay declaration mensuelle de chiffre d’affaires?
- Any anomalies as an auto-entrepreneur of retirement age?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur get financial help to learn French?
- Tax paid by auto-entrepreneur roofer using subcontractor?
- Is an auto-entrepreneur in France entitled to unemployment benefit?
- Regulations for playing music and TV in a gite?
- What is klesia certificat d’adhesion?
- Do I have to pay enregistrement intracommunautaire?
- How do I pay my monthly fees for auto-entrepreneur online?
- Which department do I apply to as a gardener?
- How do I change my business address and add an activity?
- Why is my second business activity not on my notification d’affiliation?
- Invoicing my UK company from my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Auto-entrepreneur Immatriculation
- Can I teach English and be a beautician as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Can I start business as a graphic designer in France and have a UK business?
- Do I need a qualification to teach English in France?
- When can I expect my business registration document?
- Do I need an import license to import food from UK to sell in France?
- Can an auto entrepreneur business invoice UK clients?
- Where can I get a copy of my certificat d’inscription for my auto-entrepreneur business?
- What happens if I go over the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
July 2015
- How do I change my auto-entrepreneur business APE code?
- Form fin de dispense d’immatriculation
- Which auto-entrepreneur category is best for a consultant?
- How do I calculate cotisations paid to RSI?
- Clarification for 751-SD form?
- Can I stop trading as a SAS and start an auto-entrepreneur company?
- What type of business to set up in France after auto-entrepreneur?
- Which auto-entrepreneur business category for art historian working in France?
- Can I register an auto-entrepreneur business with two activities?
- Auto-entrepreneur or entreprise individuelle business?
- First tax declaration
- Have I made a mistake registering with Net Enterprises?
- Error with regestration on net-entreprises
- Declaration on net-entrepries by cheque?
- Is APE enregistrement a legal scam?
- Can I accept payments by chèques CESU?
- New taxes on the RSI Declaration Trimestrielle?
- Should I be invoicing clients individually?
- Type of bank account for auto-entrepreneur?
- Certificat de capacite animaliere to run a dog pension in France?
- Mistake registering for Net Enterprises?
- Options to setup a small home made alcohol business?
- How do I register online with registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS)?
- Can I register as an auto-entrepreneur as a handyman?
- First auto-entrepreneur by post or online?
- Invoices and payment by business client?
- Setting up a TEFL business in France?
- Grants for an auto-entrepreneur?
- Micro social regime, taxation?
- How do I define a business activity in France code for a statisticien?
June 2015
- Which account to use to pay auto-entrepreneur business cotisations?
- How do I terminate my auto entrepreneur business registration online?
- What is the turnover limit for a painter and decorator business in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur business stamp?
- How long is the enrollment process to become an auto entrepreneur?
- How do I declare my auto-entrepreneur first trimester turnover?
- Auto-entrepreneur or micro-entrepreneur business?
- What auto-entrepreneur activity for a graphic designer in France?
- Is it OK to have one client per auto-entrepreneur activity?
- Approval of facility for small home based cosmetic business?
- How do I complete quarterly online auto entrepreneur declaration?
- How does cheque emploi work in France?
- Can an illustrator (artist) be an auto entrepreneur in France?
- Requirements for auto entrepreneur business registered in 2009?
- Should I move to enterprise individual and regime reel?
- Does an auto-entrepreneur business bank account have to be in one name?
- Should I fill in a French tax declaration for my business?
- What is the business code for an office assistant?
- TVA between EU countries and auto-entrepreneurs?
- How do I declare a payment made before I registered a business?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur let out a property as part of their business?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur provide services to a UK organisation?
- Is it possible to backdate auto-entrepreneur turnover declarations?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur builder get clients to pay for materials direct?
- Date for first auto-entrepreneur declaration?
- Should I have a Kbis?
- How do I add a supplementary activity to my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Auto-entrepreneur business registration for early retiree?
- Does an auto entrepreneur pay social charges and tax on invoiced expenses?
May 2015
- Exceeding the auto-entrepreneur business turnover limit?
- Should I combine my two business activities into one business?
- Do I need to fill in 5HY or 5HQ on form 2042 C PRO?
- Auto-entrepreneur bank account with pigiste and portage-salarial?
- Dedicated business account for two businesses in France?
- Mandatory training course?
- Should I register for the stage de préparation à l’Installation course?
- How do I add my business bank account to net-enterprises?
- Which French tax forms do I need to complete for auto-entrepreneur business?
- Declaration social des independants 2014
- How do I complete tax form 2042 C PRO?
- How do I pay social charges as a website designer and photographer?
- How do I reset my password to make an online declaration?
- How do I get an attestation from URSSAF?
- Auto entrepreneur business activity classification for sejours linguistique?
- CFE tax and compulsory 5 day training for a photography business in France?
- Do I use form 2042 C or form 2042 CK?
- How do I setup a business as a photographer in France?
- How do I add a secondary auto-entrepreneur business activity code?
- How do I make my first auto-entrepreneur business declaration in France?
- Is there a time limit to being an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I have to pay tax fonciere on a property that I do not own?
- Are cotisation charges on materials purchased different to labour?
- How do I pay quarterly auto-entrepreneur cotisations on-line?
April 2015
- How do I pay the extra auto-entrepreneur taxes?
- Paper form for changing business address in France?
- Do I have to fill in declaration sociale des independants 2014?
- How do I inform net-entreprises about my new business bank account?
- When do I make my first auto-entrepreneur declaration?
- Do I have to pay these extra auto-entrepreneur business taxes?
- How do we declare rental income in France?
- Can I use portage salarial and have an auto-entrepreneur business?
- What is the APE code for general business consultancy in France?
- What are the auto-entrepreneur rules on having only one customer?
- Close an EIRL business to restart as auto-entrepreneur with same activity?
- What is aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE)?
- Do I need to complete the klesia form retraites complementaires et prevoyance?
- Do I have to register with the Chambre de Metiers or Chambre de Commerce SPI?
- Do I have to pay taxe foncière?
- What taxes should I actually be paying?
- My business address is wrong, how do I correct it?
- Can I complete URSSAF tax returns retrospectively?
- Do we have to register with the chambre de commerce?
- First declaration dates for trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires?
- Can I stop auto-entrepreneur pension payments?
- How do I change my bank account on auto-entrepreneur website?
- How much income tax does an entreprises individuelle reel simplifié business pay?
- Where can I get form 2042 C?
- Send invoices with 2042C form?
- Wording on invoice when not charging TVA?
- Is construction de maisons individuelles registered as artisan?
- How is income tax calculated and paid in France?
- How do I fill in auto-entrepreneur form 2042 C?
- Should a Micro-BNC DSI declaration include cotisation refunds?
- Can I use a non French bank account for my auto entrepreneur business?
- Is my business classified as commercant or artisan?
- Do I need permission from my landlord to start a business in France?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur customer claim back tax?
- What are the auto-entrepreneur cotisations rates for 2015?
- Tax implications for auto-entrepreneur taking a UK pension?
- How do I pay my auto-entrepreneur business taxes?
- Have auto-entrepreneur cotisations changed for 2015?
- What percentage of business turnover can come from one customer?
- Do auto-entrepreneurs have to pay contribution aux frais de chambres?
- Auto-entrepreneur declaration delay?
- How do I register an auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- Can I start start a business in France and also receive chomage?
- What happens if I go over the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
- What accounts does an auto-entrepreneur business need to keep?
March 2015
- Do I have to register my business with the registre des metiers?
- Attestation fiscale 2014 turnover limit?
- How do I complete form 751-SD?
- How do I fill in form 2042 C?
- How do I change my business activity from primary to secondary?
- What is nature de revenus on form 2042 C?
- How do I change my auto-entrepreneur business code?
- How do I register with RCS as per new rules?
- Is it OK for an auto-entrepreneur to work for family?
- Are auto-entrepreneur declarations delayed?
- What is annuaire du professional?
- Auto entrepeneur business bank account
- RSC registration and declaration sur l’honneur forms?
- Can I add another code to my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Professional business training costs for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Change primary business activity and add english teaching?
- Am I able to get ACCRE in France?
- How do I add Agent Commercial to my business activities?
- Is stage préalable à l’installation course obligatory for a registered business?
- Is zone rural exoneration (ZRR) available to auto entrepreneurs?
- What do I do with letters from Klesia?
- Can I use a former day to day personal bank account?
- Auto-entrepreneur ambulant for selling at markets and spectacles?
- Do I have to create invoices for online sales?
- Do I need to pay this CIPAV bill?
- How do I check if opted for micro fiscal for my business in France?
- When do I make my auto-entrepreneur declarations for social charges?
- How do I apply for ACCRE in France?
- Online cessation of auto-entrepreneur activity form?
- When do I pay my auto-entrepreneur tax?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur business be paused?
- How do I pay auto-entrepreneur tax?
February 2015
- Form 751-SD questionnaire relatif a l’activite professionnelle
- Can I have two business bank accounts?
- New requirement for professional insurance?
- What is the auto-entrepreneur TVA registration threshold?
- Is printing photographs ventes de marchandises or prestation de services?
- How to comply with the new TVA rules for B2C digital services?
- Do I need to contact Group Malakoff Mederic?
- Adding activities to my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Auto-entrepreneur dedicated bank account?
- Can I work without decennial insurance?
- Can I run a gite business as a secondary auto-entrepreneur activity?
- Can I keep my auto-entrepreneur business and be registered in another country?
- Is auto-entrepreneur the best option for registering a gite in France?
- Net Entreprises declarations postponed until April?
- Portage salarial and auto-entrepreneur at the same time in France?
- How do I pay my auto-entrepreneur declarations to URSSAF?
- What are the procedures to close an auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- Can I rent out my house in France as an auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I fill out the URSSAF form for auto-entrepreneurs?
- How do I pay my social charges online?
- What are the auto-entrepreneur declaration dates for 2015?
- Is retraite complimentaire compulsory?
- How do I add a bank account to make auto-entrepreneur declarations online?
- How do I declare auto-entrepreneur turnover after change of address?
January 2015
- Do I have to attend the 1 day RCS course in France?
- Business or personal account for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Is it possible to open an auto-entrepreneur business as a handyman?
- When do I have to register with the Chambre de Métiers by?
- How can I login into my auto-entrepreneur dossier?
- What is formulaire d’inscription from SAS Prolex?
- Do I have to subscribe to an auto-entrepreneur pension company?
- Can I cancel an auto-entrepreneur business after registering?
- What is Info Siren in France?
- First declaration trimestrielle turnover dates?
- How to fill out URSSAF form or how to declare online?
- What exchange rate do I use on my French invoices?
- Is it OK to have my married name on my bank account?
- How do I register my business in France with the Registre du Commerce?
- Do I need a dedicated UK bank account for my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Changing from commercante to artisan and teaching?
- What is this letter from CIPAV about?
- How do I remove activities from my auto-entrepreneur registration?
- Advantage/disadvantage of adding spouse as health beneficiary?
- Which business structure to reduce costs of social insurance (RSI)?
- Can I keep up my micro entreprise when I give up my French residence?
- Ignore paper declaration for auto-entrepreneur and RCS registration?
- Did I pay my first auto-entrepreneur declaration late?
- Can you help with change of address form P2 PL?
- Can I opt out of RSI business contributions in France?
- Business bank account for auto-entrepreneur when earnings paid in to UK?
- Can you add a secondary activity online?
- Are business bank accounts compulsory for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Change of business department in France - who do I inform?
- Add a secondary activity to sell online?
- How do I fill out déclaration trimestrielle de recettes?
- Do I need to complete (and what) AG2R form?
- What is classed as turnover for an auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- Do I need to add an extra category for publishing work?
- What is the announcement on the auto entrepreneur website about?
- Where do I register as a handyman business in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover declarations by credit card?
- How do I pay my first auto-entrepreneur declaration by post?
- Extra business documents required by chambre de metiers?
- Translation of CFE form exoneration sections D 5,7 and 18?
- What is the maximum turnover for autre services personnels?
- Do auto-entrepreneurs have to charge TVA on digital products?
- Should my husband be a conjoint collaborateur in France?
- How do I make social payments after closing auto-entrepreneur business?
- How to word a letter for an unpaid invoice?
- How to become auto-entrepreneur in France with a PVT visa?
- Net entreprises business registration form?
December 2014
- What code to use for photo sales in declaration trimestrielle for RSI?
- What extra documentation is required by CFE-Metiers?
- Close auto-entrepreneur business and become conjoint collaborateur in France?
- Registration of auto-entrepreneur property management business for 2015?
- Pay auto-entrepreneur turnover declarations online or by post?
- OK to pay CFE-IFER by cheque?
- Explanation of INSEE forms and help with CFE form in France?
- Is sales of equipment classed as turnover in a French business?
- Completing Cotisation Fonciere des Enteprises 2015 form?
- Will I pay cotisations on my UK private pension?
- Do I have to charge TVA in France on digital services from 1 January?
- Is enquete aupres des auto-entrepreneurs crees en 2014 optional?
- How do I fill in cotisation fonciere des enterprises 2015 form?
- Business registration in France before or after Stage Prealable à l’Installation?
- How do I complete CFE 2015 initial declaration form?
- CFE payment online or at the bank?
- Should I close my auto-entrepreneur business in France?
- Do we have to pay SACEM in France?
- Is it URSSAF or RSI who add my family to my carte vitale in France?
- Do I add a business APE code or declare direct to Impots in France?
- Changing from impot liberatoire to regime micro entreprise?
- Multiple business registrations in France?
- What is CFE-IFER and do I need to do anything?
- How do I add general business consultancy to my business in France?
- Is babysitting a regulated activity under the auto-entrepreneur business system in France?
- Do an auto-entrepreneur couple both have to pay CFE tax?
- Do I have to fill in the CFE form 1447-C-K?
- How to complete CFE 2015 initial declaration form?
- What is the meaning of n.c.a. ?
- How do I modify my auto-entrepreneur status to remove an activity?
- When do I pay my fourth quarter cotisation for 2014?
- Cotisation fonciere des entreprises 2015 buildings
- What is cotisation fonciere des entreprises 2015?
- Can I add a chambre d’hôtes and gite to my auto-entrepreneur business?
- What happens if I go over the auto-entrepreneur business turnover limit?
- Is there a minimum turnover for a business selling crafts in France?
- Do I have to do stage prealable à l’Installation course?
November 2014
- Financial consequences of becoming an auto-entrepreneur?
- Additional document request for autres services personnel business?
- Can I claim benefits for seasonal work?
- How do I pay contribution fonciere des entreprises?
- Which declaration on net-entreprise to file auto-entrepreneur taxes?
- What should I receive after registering as an auto-entrepreneur
- What legal terms should go on a business invoice in France?
- End auto-entrepreneur status via l’autoentrepreneur website?
- Should we change our principal auto-entrepreneur activity?
- How do I do modify my auto-entrepreneur declaration?
- Start a business in France for two different business activities?
- How do I pay my auto-entrepreneur cotisations online?
- What is declaration l’honneur for auto entrepreneur?
- What is the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit for an artisan?
- Can I close my business in France and avoid social security contributions?
- When should I receive my Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises tax (CFE) bill?
- Am I exempt from the cotisation fonciere des enterprises (CFE) tax?
- How to set up account online for impots?
- Do I have to pay CFE tax?
- Is cotisation fonciere des enterprises a new tax?
- How do I reclaim an overpayment on the auto-entrepreneur online system?
- How and when do I pay auto-entrepreneur CFE tax in 2015?
- Can a student start a business in France and get a SIRET number?
- Is stage de préparation à l’Installation compulsory?
- Confusing request from URSAAF re the 4th trimestre
- Do I need to reapply for carte vitale here in France?
- Report de l’exigibilité du 4ème trimestre 2014
- Letter and form from Direction Generale Des Finances Publiques
- Issues with the online registration for artisan auto-entrepreneur
- Holiday or sickness cover for auto-entrepreneur?
October 2014
- How long does it take for the online declaration payment to be taken?
- Do I qualify for the auto-entrepreneur tax system?
- Should our camping a la ferme be a registered business in France?
- Can I split workshop rent?
- What is obligation de dématérialiser vos paiements?
- When to supply bank details and mandate for rsi declaration?
- Do I need to pay CFE tax?
- Do I pay tax on my turnover or on my earnings?
- How do I close my auto-entrepreneur business?
- How do I check if I have paid my online declaration?
- Must I have a separate bank account for my auto-entrepreneur business?
- How does an auto-entrepreneur register multiple activities?
- Time limit for auto-entrepreneur scheme?
- Self-employed and working in the UK and France?
- Cheque emploi and auto-entrepreneur?
- I’ve reached the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit, what should I do?
- How much can an auto-entrepreneur earn?
- Do I keep the certificat d’inscription from INSEE for my records?
- Do I need to complete form 1447-C-SD?
- Declaration for 2eme and 3eme trimestrialle on same form?
- Should I receive an email reminder from net-entreprises prior to declaration?
- CDI and auto-entrepreneur at the same time?
- Adding an activity to already live auto-entrepreneur?
- When do I make my first auto-entrepreneur declaration online?
- When will I receive the declaration paperwork for 3e trimestre 2014?
- How do I add a secondary activity NAF or APE code?
- Have I filled in my declaration trimestrielle correctly?
- How will ill health affect future declarations for tax etc?
September 2014
- Recognising diplomas via Centre International d’etudes pedagogiques?
- What does dématérialiser vos paiements mean?
- Buying and re-selling advertising space on the internet?
- Chambre de metier training compulsory for auto-entrepreneur artisans?
- Compulsory decennale insurance for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Questionnaire for the Direction Generale des Finances Publiques?
- As an auto-entrepreneur, what do I need to do for the changes in 2015?
- What should I do about missing an auto-entrepreneur declaration?
- How do I get my auto-entrepreneur registration certificate from URSSAF?
- What should I do about a late payment to URSSAF?
- Business account for auto entrepreneur?
August 2014
- Directive regarding paying to have documents translated
- Do I need decennale insurance?
- The business was a micro BNC, has it been changed to an autoentrepreneur?
- What accounting records does an auto-entrepreneur have to keep?
- Auto-entrepreneur and number of clients?
- What is the turnover limit for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Are auto-entrepreneur sales outside France taxed?
- Does an auto-entrepreneur have a company name?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur claim TVA on imported goods?
- How do I employ people as part of my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Auto-entrepreneur categories for writing and editing work?
- Is it URSAFF that adds a second activity to an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Maximum limits for combined enterprise?
- Is this how conjoint collaborateur works in France?
- Do I have to go to the chamber de commerce?
- Registering for auto-entrepreneur more than 30 days after starting trading?
July 2014
- Correct tax code for declaration trimestrielle?
- Where do I find an autorisation de prélèvement form?
- How do I know my teledeclaration and payment has gone through?
- RSI cover for spouse not requested?
- Who would be the auto-entrepreneurs customer?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur operate from a shop / premises?
- How do I fill in the declaration trimestrielle form?
- How does an auto-entrepreneur invoice in 2 currencies?
- On what turnover should the Formation Professionnelle Artisan be paid?
- Why can’t I make my declaration trimestrielle online?
- How should I raise my factures?
- When should I pay Formation Professionnelle Artisan in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur retirement scheme options?
- How much do we need to earn to be eligible for superannuation?
- Paid for the 1st & 2nd trimestre for my first declaration - invoiced again?
- SACEM - sonorisation de votre etablissement
- Who do I pay my first auto-entrepreneur declaration to by cheque?
- Can auto-entrepreneurs be TVA registered?
- Siret number via email or post?
- How do I deal with AG2R RETRAITE ARRCO?
- What do I do about télépaiement des cotisations dues à l’URSSAF?
June 2014
- Implications of starting an auto-entrepreneur business in France whilst in employment?
- When do auto-entrepreneurs pay income tax?
- Working prior to registration?
- Can a cleaner registered as an auto-entrepreneur claim chomage?
- Does an auto-entrepreneur have to pay info-siret?
- Unemployment benefits for auto-entrepreneur startup?
- Auto-entrepreneur declaration before or after address change?
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover limit in 3rd year of activity?
- What is the Declaration Sociale des Independants 2013?
- Declaring UK rental income in France?
- Which form to change APE code?
May 2014
- How does one go about adding an activity to ones auto-entrepreneur profile?
- Can my French employer see that I’m also an auto-entrepreneur?
- New auto-entrepreneur scams?
- What’s the turnover limit for photographers?
- What address do I use on form 2042 K?
- What parts of 2042 CK PRO do I need to complete?
- What is declaration social des independents form for?
- Questionnaire relatif a l’activite professionnelle
- Which part of the 2013 2042 CK PRO form do I complete?
- What I should do about RSI refusing to affiliate me?
- How can I cancel my auto-entrepreneur status?
- 2042 C PRO carry forward to 2042
April 2014
- How long after deadline can I pay cotisations?
- Joint tax declarations when one partner is auto-entrepreneur?
- Can I pay cotisations online?
- Should I cancel or change auto-entrepreneur status?
- Do I have to pay formation professionnelle tax?
- Trimestrielle declaration
- Do I need to have an employee contract?
- What is déclaration sociale des indépendents?
- How can I access auto-entrepreneur trimesrielle declaration online?
- Can you explain RSI and CIPAV taxes and social charges?
- Is there any update on CFE Tax for 2014?
- Are auto-entrepreneur tax forms automatically sent out?
- Should I have received attestation fiscale 2013 by now?
- Do I complete both 2042 K and 2042 CK PRO forms?
- When should I pay RSI?
- Which form to complete 2042 CK or form 2042 C PRO?
- Declaration des revenus encaissés à l’netranger 2013 2047K
- Do I wait until the end of June and declare 2 trimestres?
- Does online software sales come under marchandise or service?
- Changes to auto-entrepreneur charges in 2014
- When is auto-entrepreneur income tax due for 2013?
- Do I need an accountant as an auto entrepreneur?
- Declaration sociale des independants 2013
- What is the correct category to declare hommes toutes mains income?
- When shoud I get my 2013 tax form?
March 2014
- Get social security number if auto-entrepreneur not our main income?
- Stop being an auto-entrepreneur if turnover falls to a nominal amount?
- What do I do with a letter from AGIRC-ARRCO?
- Minimum cotisation charges for auto-entrepreneur in 2015?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur hire an employee?
- How do I add activity organisme formateur?
- APE code for homme tout main?
- Changing from auto-entrepreneur to regime réel simplifié?
- What is PRO BTP certificat d’adhesion and do I have to do anything?
- Property manager in France and elsewhere in Europe?
- France annuaire is an auto-entrepreneur directory scam
- APE code for property management?
- Can an auto entrepreneur claim e-commerce expenses?
- What am I paying direction generale des finances publiques for?
- How often do I have to declare revenues on net-entreprise.fr?
February 2014
- Can I add an activity to my auto entrepreneur business?
- Impact on family taxes this year
- Why is my auto entrepreneur business inactif?
- Any benefits of registering as auto entrepreneur when in R&D phase?
- Why have I received a relance amiable?
- How do I change my APE code?
- Does an auto entrepreneur get taxed on profit or turnover?
- What constitutes seasonal work?
- Migration to SEPA - customer payments?
- What do I need to do to run cooking classes at home and sell food online?
- How do I come out of the auto entrepreneur scheme?
- Which category of auto-entrepreneur?
- How does one formally cease professional activity as auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I have to pay the 0.1% formation prof commercant tax shown on the form?
- Will the tax office contact me automatically for my tax return for 2013?
- What should I do about a blank pdf after net-enterprise registration?
- Do I need to pay taxe d’apprentissage?
- Maximum social charges for micro entreprise?
- CFE form section C - biens du nouvel etablissement
- Which category of auto-entrepreneur?
January 2014
- Which tax rates on declaration de chiffre do I use?
- What is the autorisation de prelevement des cotisations et contributions sociales form?
- How do I opt out of versment liberatoire?
- How do I submit my declaration de chiffre?
- Should I be paying cotisations to URSSAF or RSI?
- When to make first auto entrepreneur declaration?
- How do I correct an over declaration?
- What is the NAF code for online advertisement and marketing?
- Can my business address be my home address?
- Pension rights for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Are there any auto entrepreneur costs if revenue is zero?
- Has my online declaration 4th trimester 2013 been processed?
- Declaration trimestrielle de recettes reduction for auto entrepreneurs?
- Do you have an example of a completed declaration de chiffre d’affaires?
- When and how do I submit any auto entrepreneur taxes due?
- What activities can I can carry out as a handyman?
- What paper work should I receive after I register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- When to change from auto-entrepreneur to travailleur independant?
- Are dividends from share investments part of the auto-entrepreneur turnover?
- Is it usual that RSI asks for birth certificates translated?
- Do I need to apply for my own carte vital as an auto entrepreneur?
December 2013
- Less than 50% work as auto-entrenpreneur?
- What happens if you exceed the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
- Has my naf code barred me from auto-entrepreneur status?
- Do I pay professional and commercial social charges?
- Can two auto-entrepreneur live at the same address?
- What do I do with the cotisation fonciere des enterprises forms?
- Do I need to send in the Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises form 2014?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur hire employees on a commission only basis?
- What do I do with Reunica and Malakoff Médéric forms?
- What is the NAF code for a masseuse?
- Is there a cheaper structure than SARL?
- Must my tax return still include our children’s income?
- Is there a tax free threshold in France?
- What cotisation rate for gift business created in France?
- CFE for auto-entrepreneur - can it be carried over?
- What is cotisation fonciere des entreprises?
- IBAN for Net entreprises?
- How do I complete the CFE form (declaration initiale)?
November 2013
- Can I have employees as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Operating a retail store as an auto-entrepreneur?
- The form to become an auto-entrepreneur (declaration de debut d’activite)
- Do I need to pay cotisation fonciere des entreprises?
- Can I change my auto-entrepreneur income tax payments to monthly?
- Which auto-entrepreneur category for translation and teaching English?
- Why have I been asked for documents 2042 and bail?
- How do I pay RSI my declarations?
- When will my RSI payment be taken from my bank account?
- Who do I need to inform that I am an auto-entrepreneur?
October 2013
- Can I get siret number before I start my activity?
- APE code for wedding stationery business?
- Is regime de retraite / prevoyance compulsory?
- Tax as auto-entrepreneur or enterprise individuelle regime reel simplifié?
- What is the difference between NNI and securite sociale numbers?
- Is micro enterprise less risky than auto-entrepreneur?
- Who to add as healthcare dependants?
- Can I stay in the UK tax system if I quote and invoice from my UK company?
- How do I calculate formation professionnelle commercant?
- Can I close my auto-entrepreneur business by post?
- Moving from auto-entrepreneur to regime réel - how and when?
- Are auto-entrepreneur trade / commercial activities taxed at 14%?
- How do I choose my activity on the auto-entrepreneur registration form?
- Which amount should I declare on the declaration trimestrielle?
- What is the minimum amount of cotisations for a micro entreprise?
- What information to put in livre journal regarding recettes?
- What is the difference between micro-entreprise and auto-entrepreneur?
- What is the best way to work as an auto-entrepreneur and have a UK income?
- Who gives permission to park a mobile food unit on private land?
- What are the legal requirements to set up a food van in France?
- Legal requirements for food delivery business in France?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur advertise several services?
- What are my options are when I reach the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
- Any information about the proposed changes to the auto-entrepreneur?
- Can I transfer my auto-entrepreneur pension funds when I leave France?
- My auto-entrepreneur application has been refused. What do I do next?
- What to register as my place of work?
- Can I work employed and self-employed at the same time?
- Are tips taxable?
September 2013
- When registering as profession liberal do I need to contact URSSAF?
- Can I start trading before SIRET number arrives?
- Can I register different business activities as an auto-entrepreneur?
- What is the APE code for hypnotherapy?
- Charges when re-registered as an auto-entrepreneur?
- APE code for IT consultant?
- Should I change my operating status to retail online?
- Can I do painting and decorating jobs?
- Am I registered correctly to sell online tours?
- Is there a more advantageous time of year to register auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I get started as an auto-entrepreneur with a Carte De Sejour?
- How do I calculate income tax when one partner is an auto-entrepreneur?
- Where and who do I pay my declaration to by cheque?
- Micro fiscal or micro entreprise for tax purposes?
- How do I find out what kind of auto-entrepreneur insurance is obligatory?
- If I close my auto-entrepreneur down, will it effect my carte vitale?
- What is attestation d’ouverture des droits?
- Furniture maker and joiner naf codes?
- Do I need a Carte de Sejour before applying for auto-entrepreneur status?
- Why was my auto-entrepreneur registration rejected?
- Where to apply for state recognition as services a la personne?
August 2013
- How do I change my business address in France?
- How and when do we register for TVA?
- What is dénomination du domiciliataire?
- Activity description for proof reading and insurance administration?
- What is the activity description to setup my travel agent business?
- Activity description for for autres services personnel?
- Are we avoiding TVA by each becoming an auto-entrepreneur?
- Is the cost of an acte d’insaisabilite, to protect my assets, fixed?
- Do I need to be TVA registered to invoice an EU company that is?
- Do I declare money received or amount invoiced?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur have a trading name?
- Should all invoice payments go in the same auto-entrepreneur bank account?
- Is my auto-entrepreneur business being closed down?
- Horse livery business in France as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Will my auto-entrepreneur health cover change when I get employed?
- Will my auto-entrepreneur taxes be deducted from my bank account?
July 2013
- What are these cotisations for?
- Address for RSI in Angouleme?
- Which sterling to euro conversion rate should I use?
- Can I cancel appel de cotisations?
- Can I be self-employed in the UK and be an auto-entrepreneur in France?
- What is the description of my profession as a clothing / fashion stylist?
- Is there an on-line auto-entrepreneur registration fee?
- Does a music teacher auto-entrepreneur affiliate with RSI or CIPAV?
- Is a 3rd party liability insurance required?
- After we register, do we automatically get a carte vitale?
- Can a UK pension go towards my overall income?
- Is there an auto-entrepreneur age limit?
- What are the implications of closing down an auto-entrepreneur business?
- EIRL or acte d’insaisabilite?
- Auto-entrepreneur or entreprise individuelle regime reel simplifee for retail business?
- When does an activity become a business?
- APE code for writing?
- Has the auto-entrepreneur tax rate increased?
- Can you clarify auto-entrepreneur cotisations and other charges?
- What are the legalities to operate a food business in France?
- Funding for auto entrepreneur training?
- What happens if an auto-entrepreneur doesn’t have more than one client?
- Are AGIRC and ARRCO obligatory?
- NAF code for software development and retail in France?
- How do I shut down my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Is malakoff mederic obligatory?
- How do I pay tax and social charges on income earned in the UK?
- How do I declare auto entrepreneur expenses?
- Will my social charges automatically be deducted?
- Is Registre APE a scam?
- What should I be expecting to receive from INSEE?
- Do I need any qualification for painting and decorating jobs?
- How and when to declare auto-entrepreneur revenue?
- When will I get my SIRET number?
- Are immatriculation number and social security number the same thing?
- Do I need to change my status from commerciale to artisan?
June 2013
- Change from commercant to profession liberale?
- When should I pay auto-entrepreneur taxes?
- Correct category for RSI return?
- NAF code for English teaching?
- Do I need to get my marriage certificate translated?
- What is KLESIA?
- What is required on a sales receipt?
- Should I declare small cash injections?
- First declaration trimestrielle dates?
- Omission in tax declaration - does it matter?
- Help with auto-entrepreneur form?
- What is Attestation de Versement - Contribution au FAF?
- Auto-entrepreneur - how much Income tax do I pay on my chamber d’hotes?
- How long to wait for INSEE number and carte vitale?
- Which APE code for a freelance journalist?
- Can I set up an association and pay myself as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I need insurance?
- Are gites classified under services or trades?
- BIC or special BNC?
- Problems with cfe-metiers online site
- Do I need to do anything with extraits d’immatriculation?
- How do I describe autres services personnels for gite changeovers?
- What documents do I need to provide?
- Do we register as a couple or individuals and how do we start a business?
- Auto-entrepreneur categories for English teacher and to sell on markets?
- Where do I send my completed 2042 CK PRO form?
May 2013
- Better off as an entreprise individuelle regime micro or auto-entrepreneur?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur have a Kbis?
- When is my first declaration due?
- Auto-entrepreneur tax due within how many days?
- How does an auto-entrepreneur declare income from customers not in France?
- Am I paying tax liberatoire?
- What’s this all about that Auto-entrepreneur being stopped?
- Adding fiancee to auto-entrepreneur as ayant droit to get health cover?
- Auto-entrepreneur activity code for making and selling jewellery online?
- APE and NAF codes in English
- Can I print form 2042 CK PRO and send it?
- Do I have to complete Impot sur le revenu form 2031-K?
- When does carte vitale health cover start from?
- Amount of UK salary to declare?
- How do I declare non auto-entrepreneur revenue?
- Where do I login to make auto-entrepreneur declarations?
- Does an auto-entrepreneur have to wait 3 months to declare first income?
- Auto-entrepreneur income on form 2042 K?
- Is it possible to change my provisional auto-entrepreneur registration?
- Change regime due to the auto-entrepreneur time limit?
- Form 2042 CK PRO declaration complementaire address box1?
- How to fill in tax declaration form 2042 C?
- How to fill in declaration revenus 2042 C?
- How are the French tax rate bands applied?
- Telephone support services?
- Maximum turnover when adding NAF codes together?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur have 3 main activities?
- Description for gite changeovers, cleaning and light maintenance
- Proof of identity to register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I need a social welfare before signing up as an Auto-entrepreneur?
- APE code for a mechanic?
- What is the most suitable APE code for teaching English?
- Is it possible to sell art for other people as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Notification d’acceptation forms
- Time limit on auto-entrepreneur
- Attestation fiscale 2012 auto-entrepreneur
- Does a NAF code automatically determine your type of activity?
- What do I register as to sell cakes at fairs and cards and gifts online?
April 2013
- Import and export business category and costs?
- Business address alternatives in France?
- What happens after I register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Recepisse de declaration de debut d’activite
- Should I complete Declaration Sociale Des Independants Revenus 2012?
- What happens if you move cities, after becoming an auto-entrepreneur?
- How do the new changes to the auto-entrepreneur system effect me?
- First declaration due when?
- Can someone else working under my siret number as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Why have I received a URSSAF bill for absence de versement?
- Teach English and do research work as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Trimestrial income declaration fields?
- Can two auto-entrepreneur’s work together?
- Can you explain ‘reel’ - is this paying quarterly or yearly?
- Registering as an auto-entrepreneur on guichet enterprise
- Which activity code for counselling?
- Wording on invoice when no TVA is charged?
- Scam Registre APE
- Auto-entrepreneur registration at Guichet Enterprise?
- To whom do I send my Declaration Trimestrielle de Chiffre d’Affaires?
- Should I change from auto-entrepreneur to salarier?
- APE code to sell food and drinks on a French markets?
- APE code for property manager, cleaner and pool cleaner?
- When do I need to complete declaration trimestrielle de recettes?
- Is retraite complimentaire obligatory?
- How to complete attestation fiscale 2012 form 2042c?
- Which contract for a client for English lessons?
- What does this rejection notice mean?
- Application for agrement organisme formation DIF
- Turnover in 2012 counted in 2013?
- Social charge rates for selling a vehicle commercially?
- Is annual income tax calculated on the gross figure for the year?
- Costs for an auto-entrepreneur cleaner and property manager?
- How to declare 2012 French income tax online-numéro de télédéclarant?
- English teacher - service a la personne?
- Deadline for my first turnover declaration?
March 2013
- Which documents should contain my Siren number?
- Return Impot Sur Le Revenu 2031-K / 2033-A?
- 1st chiffre d’affaires declaration - auto-entrepreneur scheme
- Regime micro-fiscal and tax returns
- Can I ignore forms from Humanis?
- I am an auto-entrepreneur does my husband have to register his S1?
- Auto-entrepreneur social charges for 2013?
- Do I need to complete a form to join a pension service?
- Pay social charges to URSSAF and French income tax?
- Tax allowance breakdown for 2012
- How do I answer Mise a jour des locaux professionels?
- Example invoice needed for TEFL teacher?
- How do I add a second activity code to my auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto-entrepreneur employing someone through TESE?
- I can accept payment via CESU to teach English?
- How do I keep my auto-entrepreneur tax separate to my personal tax?
- How do I change periodical RSI returns?
- Auto-entrepreneur form consultancy services
- How do I get my Extrait Kbis and statuts from?
- Artisan, or commercant?
- Activity for handyman, gardener and labourer?
- Change to where my auto-entrepreneur payments go?
- Training levy charges for 2013?
- Offer CDD contracts as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Separate bank account for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Do I need to have my coiffure diploma translated?
- Do I tell Reunica that I have no employees?
- Can I set up as an auto-entrepreneur already having registered gites?
- Use rented accommodation address for auto-entrepreneur?
February 2013
- What expenses do I record and do I need to an invoice per customer?
- Change to where my auto-entrepreneur payments go?
- Minimum to declare in order to satisfy RSI requirements?
- How is turnover calculated on commission based sales?
- I’m an auto-entrepreneur - is my wife covered?
- Is Registre Officiel obligatory or a scam?
- Combine a Profession Libérale and Artisanale in same activity?
- Why can’t I login to the auto-entrepreneur website?
- Setting up déclaration d’insaisissabilité to protect our assets?
- Auto-entrepreneur or CDI intermittant?
- When will taxes be taken from my bank account?
- What happens if I go over the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
- English teacher and clients using their DIF?
- Where do I put the name of the owner on the CFE form?
- What category for an auto-entrepreneur window cleaner?
- Can I split social charges for labour and materials?
- Attestation de Versement de Cotisations et de Fourniture de Declaraions
- Change of auto-entrepreneur activity code?
January 2013
- Activity code for selling self made greeting cards?
- What is the tax on selling second hand goods?
- What is Notification d’affiliation au regime auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto entrepreneur registration form for general builder?
- What is the best billing model for food deliveries in France?
- Registering as an auto-entrepreneur walking tour guide in France?
- What’s a more tax efficient way for a yoga teacher to operate?
- What is the auto-entrepreneur APE code for admin and marketing support?
- Auto-entrepreneur status for short-term project?
- Attestation de Versement de Cotisations et de Fourniture de Declarations
- Can I have a CCD contract and be also an auto-entrepreneur?
- How can I tell if my auto-entrepreneur declaration went through?
- APE code for mobile hairdresser?
- Which name to register under as an auto-entrepreneur?
- What is the difference between RSI and CIPAV?
- How long should it take to receive siret number?
- What is votre régime d’assurance maladie actuel?
- Auto-entrepreneur description for cleaner?
- CESU for non tax-paying clients?
- Can I move from RSI to CIPAV?
- Husband and wife both be auto-entrepreneurs?
- Which months do I declare my turnover for?
- CFE form example?
- What is cheque CESU?
- What is obligatory and what is a an auto-entrepreneur scam?
- Are my auto-entrepreneur taxes correct?
- What is a SIREN and SIRET number?
- Do I need to provide a devis each time I do work?
- How should I opt to pay tax as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Being an auto-entrepreneur but remaining on my husband’s Secu?
- How do I complete these forms?
- Clarification of mechanic activity?
- Why do I need to raise my quote price?
- When do I pay my taxes?
- What expenses can I claim against my gross profit?
- Are the new auto-entrepreneur social charges backdated?
- Filling CFE form when 2 people at the same address are auto-entrepreneurs?
- Big changes to the auto-entrepreneur regime?
- What is the next regime after auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I need to contact my bank for next prelevement?
- How do I close my auto-entrepreneur business down?
December 2012
- Have URSSAF changed my Siret number?
- Written legal requirement on Invoice as I cannot charge TVA?
- How do I complete CFE 2013 Section C and D?
- Completion of CFE section D 2013
- Cost of moving from micro-entrepreneur to auto-entrepreneur?
- Exempt from CFE after becoming an auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I fill in section B2 of CFE form?
- Is formulaire d’adhesion KBIS a scam?
- Who do I notify of my new address when moving department?
- Should I add a new auto-entrepreneur activity code?
- Can I register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Will I automatically receive an tax return?
- Legal mentions that must go on a mailshot letter?
- Qualifications for regulated trades?
- When does the CFE exemption start from?
- How do I add an activities to my auto-entrepreneur status?
- Email from Inspecteur des finances publiques in Paris?
- Declaration mensuelle de chiffre d’affaires dates?
- Which auto-entrepreneur code for freelancer architect in France?
- Do I need to complet the Group Mournay form?
- How to complete the CFE form?
- What is the impact on CPAM when becoming an auto-entrepreneur?
- What happens when you go over the auto-entrepreneur limit?
- RSI documentation clarification for new auto-entrepreneur business?
- How to change from auto-entrepreneur to entreprise individuelle?
- Do I have to complete and return the CFE 2013 form?
- I’ve got my SIRET number, what happens next?
- Certified birth certificate translation or does it have to be an original?
- Tax and social charges for Regime Reel Simplifié?
- When does CFE start to apply?
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for a bike hire business?
- Code for website design and computer repairs?
November 2012
- Is auto-entrepreneur the best option for teaching English?
- Can I change from Reel or Micro to auto-entrepreneur business?
- Are there any changes in store for 2013 cotisations?
- What are the minimum trading limits for an auto-entrepreneur?
- Minimum an auto-entrepreneur can pay for social charges?
- Steps to change from auto-entrepreneur to a entreprise individuelle?
- Can I get a CFE refund?
- Modifying my auto-entrepreneur activity registration?
- What is the difference between these RSI options?
- Does becoming an auto-entrepreneur affect entitlement to CPAM?
- Business or personal bank account for an auto-entrepreneur?
- What month is déclaration mensuelle de chiffre d’affaires for?
- Do I declare work done or income received to URSAF?
- Exempt for the first 4 years from Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises?
- Does the auto-entrepreneur APE code matter?
- Conjoint collaborateur becoming registered name in auto-entrepreneur business?
- Tax status after 3 years as an auto-entrepreneur?
- CFE or taxe d’habitation?
- Auto-entrepreneur on-line form
- On-line auto-entrepreneur application
October 2012
- Another auto-entrepreneur scam?
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for a recruitment business?
- Net entreprise registration organisme local destinaire?
- Re-registering as an auto entrepreneur?
- Do I attach a cheque and who do I make it payable to?
- Auto-entrepreneur threshold accumulation?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur reclaim TVA?
- Auto-entrepreneur pool cleaning service naf code?
- What is PRO BTP in France?
- Is formation professionnelle is compulsory?
- Hommes tout mains - what’s in and what’s not?
- Possible to add auto-entrepreneur activities not related to each other?
- Organisme d’assurance maladie home visit?
- APE code for auto-entrepreneur editor?
- Do I need to pay TVA as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Can I make my second declaration on paper?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur claim tax back?
- Declaration Commune des Revenus des Professions Independantes
- Is the auto-entrepreneur petition good to sign?
- Which activity to select for gite registration?
- Close down as an auto-entrepreneur online?
- Scam RSI cotisations?
- Sell auto-entrepreneur business equipment to my future EURL?
- When do I pay my auto-entrepreneur cotisations?
- Can I invoice my husband’s micro-entreprise business?
- Who do I inform when changing my address as an auto-entrepreneur?
September 2012
- Why do RSI want this information?
- Create the devis to the facture?
- Which NAF code do I use when registering a gite?
- Do I need qualifications to teach English as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto-entrepreneur right for translation, editing and language courses in France?
- Translation of birth certificate necessary for auto-entrepreneur?
- Identification TVA Intracommunautaire - scam?
- Checklist for new auto-entrepreneur teaching English and scams?
- When should I register a business?
- Must I wait for a valid Carte de Sejour to register a business?
- I’m from the USA, do I need a visa at be an auto-entrepreneur?
- How to prepare for exceeding auto-entrepreneur limits?
- Auto-entrepreneur allowable expenses for English teacher?
- How can I correct my APE code?
- Auto-entrepreneur scheme for renting house out?
- Charge TVA when switching from auto-entrepreneur to regime reel simplifie?
- Am I a new business or an existing one?
- How much income declared for auto-entrepreneur pension?
- Is service entreprise Intracommunautaire bill a scam?
- Financial assistance for seasonal income?
- When do I pay my first tax bill?
- OK for auto-entrepreneurs to invoice clients with materials included?
- What does homme de toutes main cover?
- When should I start my auto-entrepreneur business as a life coach / writer?
- Best choice of fiscal régime for an auto-entrepreneur?
- What to do when a customer has not paid?
- Set up as auto-entrepreneur, or is there another regime for a writer?
- Close down an EURL and open as an auto-entrepreneur in the business?
- Dossier d’affiliation conjoint collaborateur blank?
- What to include in contracts and booking forms for translator?
- Two auto-entrepreneurs in the same household?
- Watch out for Registre des Creations scams
- Do I need to add an activity code to Import from a none EU country?
August 2012
- Can I work for an agency whilst I’m an auto-entrepreneur?
- Does my APE code change if I work à domicile - service à la personne?
- Cost effective provider of decenal assurance?
- Payment for registering as an auto-entrepreneur - scam?
- Can I keep my auto-entrepreneur status with a rented shop?
- Teaching English for a company as an Auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I register an online business here in France?
- Cotisations and pension levels for Auto-entrepreneur?
- What category does a mobile sound recording engineer come under?
- Are there any sources of grants for a new business in France?
- What happens if you go over the auto-entrepreneur limit?
- I have finally got into the system
- How to change siret number, add an activity and decennale insurance?
- Multiple activities as an auto-entrepreneur?
- How long can I remain under the auto-entrepreneur system?
- French customs demand an invoice?
- When do I make my first RSI declaration?