June 2012
- Retraite confusion clarified?
- Vehicle registration in company name?
- Auto-Entrepreneur book keeping below €75?
- Auto-entrepreneur and carte vitale for family?
- Adding more services to my auto-entrepreneur yoga status?
- Limit to household income for auto-entrepreneur?
- What is the profession liberale quarterly limit?
- Where to get my birth and marriage certificates translated?
- How do get a sworn translation of a birth certificate?
- OK working with others auto-entrepreneur traiteur a domicile?
- More carte de sejour renewal questions
- Am I a commercant or profession liberale?
- Can I write off expenses against tax as an auto-entrepreneur?
- As an auto-entrepreneur do I have to pay AG2R?
- Do I write to RSI, CIPAV or URSAFF?
- Renewal of auto-entrepreneur Carte de Sejour in France?
- Still waiting for RSI after 5 months?
- Contribution au FAF letter?
- Regulations for teaching English to children in my home?
- I sell stock images on internet - is this sales?
- Best business setup for an artist with other activities?
- Auto-Entrepreneur reforms?
- Manufacture of wooden products a regulated trade?
- Access to pay online rejected?
- Documents needed to register as tiler and handyman business in France?
- What does Attestation Dispense de Versement refer to?
- Closing down auto-entrepreneur and move back to CPAM from RSI?
- Equipment hire cotisations?
- On-line registration problem
May 2012
- Can we sell surplus food and plants from home?
- Open small shop in old boulangerie as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Pay social charges on my pension to the French health system?
- Refusal of dossier, what next?
- What happens after you’ve registered as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Registering mix up?
- Registering a regulated trade as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Setting up a website for advertising and selling goods?
- l’option pour le prélèvement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu?
- Notification de Sortie de Régime Auto-Entrepreneur?
- RSI registration for medical reimbursements?
- Classifying teaching English activities?
- Regime micro fiscal and financial limits?
- When is it ‘safe’ to start work?
- Is it possible to go from declaration mensuelle to declaration trimestrielle?
- Proof of experience and qualifications for a macon?
- Notification de sortie du régime Auto-entrepreneur?
- Registre Des Creations a scam?
- Is conjoint collaborateur right for us?
- Tax liability on cash gifts from family into French bank account?
- Adresse professionnelle as locataire - implication for landlord?
- Qualifications for handyman?
- When to change from auto-entrepreneur to reel simplifie?
- Should I fill in the conjoint collaborateur section on revenus 2011 tax form?
- Auto-entrepreneur regulations for a builder?
- What type of bank account and paperwork for Auto-Entrepreneur ?
- What happens when I go over the auto-entrepreneur limit?
- Accounting - livre journal or online?
- Modifying a declaration of business activity in France?
- How do I register as hommes de toutes main?
- NAF code for handyman business in France?
April 2012
- Definition of turnover for online business
- Do I have to complete the whole Cotisation Fonciere Des Entreprises 2012 form?
- What business category to register as?
- Ok to work as an auto-entrepreneur and have a contract?
- Working mainly for one client as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Claiming tax relief as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Category for teaching English?
- Am I obliged to give my bank my siret/siren number?
- Am I obliged to display physical address information?
- ACCRE and first auto-entrepreneur declaration?
- Homme Toutes Mains under the auto-entrepreneur scheme?
- Completing the first declaration trimestrielle for RSI?
- Do I qualify to be an auto-entrepreneur on my Carte de Séjour Temporaire?
- Closing down Auto-Entrepreneur - turnover declarations and filing of taxes?
- Should I complete form declaration préemplie?
- Changing from CPAM to RAM for medical reimbursements?
- Access to auto-entrepreneur dossier online after 30 days?
- Options after exceeding the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
- What do I do with form Attestation Fiscale 2011?
- Which category to register as a labourer?
- How to fill in the dossier d’affiliation?
- Do I need to declare sales of personal property in my online shop?
- Is the auto-entrepreneur right for brocante?
- Commercant or artisan?
- Will I be entitled to a tax rebate in France?
- Business or personal bank account as an auto-entrepreneur ?
- Adding new activity to existing auto-entrepreneur?
- Why am I required to complete the yearly tax declaration?
- Different tax rates for different auto-entrepreneur activities?
- Déclaration de Choix de Médecin Traitant from CERFA
- What is the function of CIPAV?
- CPAM or RSI for medical reimbursements?
- Different tax rates for different activities?
- Can I be paid via cheques-emploi when working in France?
- First declaration via Net Enterprise or URSSAF?
- As an auto-entrepreneur when should I make my first declaration?
- Auto-entrepreneur machine driver?
- Auto-entrepreneur for garden machinery business?
- CIPAV or RSI for yoga teacher?
- Application to be auto-entrepreneur and entitled to the ACCRE?
- E-commerce and selling elsewhere?
- Select between CIPAV and RSI as a profession liberale?
- How do I deal with Un extrait d’acte de naissance?
March 2012
- Receiving client payments after starting maternity leave?
- Can you explain what AG2R La Mondiale is?
- First auto-entrepreneur payment and declaration after creation?
- Setting up an online retail business in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur the right choice recording engineer?
- Is Bilan Pedagogique et Financier an annual form?
- Is versement trimestriel the right choice?
- What is Attestation Fiscale 2011?
- Qualifications required for cooking / lessons?
- Business category for selling jewellery in France?
- When should I return form Declaration Trimestrielle De Chiffre D’Affaires?
- Registre des creations
- Autorisation Du Proprietaire?
- A case of mistaken identity?
- Date de cloture du 1er exercise?
- Second activity for an auto-entrepreneur?
- Mobile catering as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto-entrepreneur classification for photography?
- Opening a business bank account in France?
- Another fake RSI invoice?
- Gite and chambres d’hotes cotisation rates?
- Auto-entrepreneur and declaring pregnancy?
- Summary of auto-entrepreneur charges?
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover limits?
- How do I change from from Real Simplifie to auto-entrepreneur?
- What is PRO BTP paperwork about?
- Automatic exit of the auto-entrepreneur regime?
- What is AG2R La Mondiale?
- Husband on my carte vitale?
- Artisanal, commercial or liberale?
- Starting up auto-entrepreneur as homme toutes main?
- Do I have to keep a note of my expenses?
February 2012
- What are the turnover limits for auto-entrepreneur?
- How long to wait for siret number?
- Changing from auto-entrepreneur to SARL for a property management company?
- Gites, auto-entrepreneur and general help required
- Can I check online to find out if I’m paying my tax yearly?
- How do I check the availability of a business trademark?
- Is Registre des Creations obligatory?
- Auto-entrepreneur with clients in other EU countries?
- What do I need to include in the metions légales?
- How to write qualifications after name in France?
- Do I need the résponsibilité civile professionnelle insurance?
- Course necessary for basic counselling service?
- Better off financially to pay impots at the end of the year or monthly?
- Artisane online registration
- Working for a UK company as an auto-entrepreneur?
- How to recover non payment from an auto-entrepreneur?
- Cotisation Fonciere Des Entreprises refund?
- Should I be paying separate cotisations sociales?
- Why has my RSI payment not been taken from my bank?
- The right way to take legal action to recover money owing?
- Is it sufficient to add an activity?
- Do I need a business bank account?
- New to France: where else to register apart from auto-entrepreneur?
- Bilingual attestation of social security coverage?
- Working full time and be an auto-entrepreneur selling jewellery?
- Auto-entrepreneur as electrician / handyman?
- Can I register as auto-entrepreneur to sell frozen food?
- Declaring income from abroad?
- Chambres d’hote business as profession liberale?
- Calculate CSG deductible for auto-entrepreneur?
- Paying cotisations when a client still owes money?
January 2012
- How can I change my main activity code?
- How do I choose my organisme d’assurance maladie des travailleurs non salalies?
- I’m an American, what visa do I need to open a business in France?
- How many different activities can I have in a French business?
- Do I need to complete demande de renseignements?
- Steps to update auto-entrepreneur status when moving department?
- Category for auto-entrepreneur proof reader?
- Starting up as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Help completing declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires?
- Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises form help?
- Has my auto-entrepreneur business been closed by mistake?
- What is Net Entreprises?
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for our pet sitting business?
- How can I claim the auto-entrepreneur training allowance?
- Why is Net Entreprise not taking account of my reduced social charges?
- What should I do about AG2R Mondiale?
- Declaration trimestrielle return date?
- Can a winemaker be an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I need to add an additional activity code?
- Fee for online auto-entrepreneur registration?
- Dates for paying quarterly social charges and income tax?
- How do I change my auto-entrepreneur APE code?
- What do my auto-entrepreneur cotisations cover?
- Health care payments covered by RSI or CPAM?
- Best way to declare a missed out payment on previous declaration trimestrielle?
- Should a Commercant auto-entrepreneur deal with RSI or URSSAF?
- Do I need a licence to sell tobacco products?
- What regime do I register under for property management business?
- Is it a legal requirement to put terms and conditions, or mentions légales on a website?
- Who should I be chasing to get my carte vitale via my business in France?
- Is there a limit on turnover for each trimester?
- Is OCTA taxe d’apprentissage a scam?
- OCTA taxe d’apprentissage
- Set up costs and expenses as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Income declaration - outgoing bills or actual payments received?
- Health and hygiene standards?
- Can I start an auto-entrepreneur with a partner?
- Do I add my children to my carte vital when registering?
- Can you help me with my first online declaration?
- Setting up as a auto-entrepreneur self employed driver?
- How do I confirm change from micro to auto-entrepreneur?
- Is it correct that I should do the online declaration before January 31?
- Do I need to declare expenses in my quarterly declarations?
- Are there any tax deductibles as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Implications of auto-entrepreneur business paid via CESU in France?
- What to do when a client will not pay?
- When do I actually have to declare my income?
- Fee for setting up auto-entrepreneur offline?
- What is the situation regarding TVA on auto-entrepreneur’s letting out a gite?
- How do I register as a teacher for singer?
- Proof of registration that could also be used to buy goods wholesale?
- What are the regulations for a campsite, fishing lake and tables d’hotes?
December 2011
- Is auto-entrepreneur the right business type for teaching children?
- When is my first turnover declaration due?
- How do I change my auto-entrepreneur activity category?
- Re-location grant of €3000?
- Registering as a web designer auto-entrepreneur?
- How does tax work for an auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I change from from Auto-Entrepreneur to Reel Simplifiy EI?
- Professional fees for English teachers?
- Is it possible to get a TVA number when registered as an entreprise individuelle?
- Painting, plumbing and repair work as an auto-entrepreneur?
- What do I need to do to declare my income yearly?
- Does the cash have to be paid into my business bank account?
- What’s the best way to consult for a UK company?
- Any financial help when signed off work in France?
- Can I declare income earned in UK on my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Can you help us with the auto-entrepreneur registration form?
- Change our auto-entrepreneur so we are registered as a couple?
- Is it OK to use chèque emploi très petite entreprise (TPE)?
- What is AERL for auto-entrepreneurs?
- RSI and reimbursements for medical expenses?
- Filling in the auto-entrepreneur CFE form?
- Filling in declaration annuelle des salaries?
- NAF code for hommes de toutes mains?
- Can I register as a car mechanic?
- APE code clarification for markets?
- Do I need to tell impots I’m exempt from cotisation fonciere?
- Should I pay Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises 2012?
- How do I declare income to URSSAF?
- What is Formation Professionelle Artisan?
- Are my auto-entrepreneur social charges 13% or 23.5%?
November 2011
- NAF code and CESU for car cleaning service in France?
- Can I charge for the cost of fuel?
- When should I be paying my quarterly tax payments?
- Sale of Christmas related goods on markets?
- What is the best way to setup a business in France that plans to employ people?
- Can I find out what I entered in the online form when I registered?
- Registering as homme de toutes mains?
- Has my auto-entrepreneur registration has been accepted?
- Am I exempt from CFE?
- Can a couple register one auto-entrepreneur business?
- How do I work out my social charges?
- Menuisier resale of goods?
- How do I register a business as a handyman in France?
- Register as a plumber?
- Can I swap from Micro Entreprise to Auto-entrepreneur?
- What is the preferred TEFL qualification for teaching in France?
- How do I close down my auto-entrepreneur business?
- As an Artisan is décennale insurance obligatory?
- Is there an exoneration for CFE?
- Invoice my own UK limited company as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Code for selling makeup, skincare products and jewellery?
October 2011
- My auto-entrepreneur application has been rejected, what should I do?
- Two different jobs as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Experience for building and renovation work?
- Adding an activity to an exisitng auto-entrepreneur business?
- How do I get attestation de couverture sante?
- Should I opt for the regime fiscal micro?
- Are there any charges after being registered as auto-entrepreneur for 2-3 years?
- RSI dossier d’affiliation - carte de sejour, raison sociale, comptable?
- Auto-entrepreneur for teaching English, translating and selling online?
- Tax refund at the end of the tax year?
- Clarify what turnover means?
- Auto-entrepreneur book keeping and accounts?
- Bookkeeping as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Can my wife become an auto-entrepreneur selling on markets?
- Extent of involvement in my auto-entrepreneur business by my wife?
- Direct selling as an extra activity?
- Paying for materials?
- RSI invoice scam?
- Registre APE - scam?
- URSSAF said no to my application
- Registering as an auto-entrepreneur enterprise Individuelle?
- APE code for gardener and garden maintenance in France?
- TVA and moving from auto-entrepreneur to regime reel simplifie?
- Issues with launching a UK company while an auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I fill in the Trimestrielle form?
- Auto-entrepreneur or Micro Bic?
September 2011
- Insurance for light renovation work?
- Is the Agent Commecial (immobilier) attestation transferable?
- How do I get my carte vitale?
- Tax for secretarial services?
- Hiring an auto-entrepreneur risky for Dutch organisations?
- Joint income to high to be an auto-entrepreneur?
- Service contracts and legalities for services sold outside France?
- Annual auto-entrepreneur income limits?
- Tax free allowance for auto-entrepreneurs in France?
- Setting up stands at exhibitions and trade fairs around europe?
- Auto-entrepreneur complementary health coverage?
- Auto-Entrepreneur on market and nutrition counselling?
- Billing for different activities?
- Good web host in Europe?
- CFE exoneration?
- Whom should I be contacting to follow up my social security number?
- Benefits and tax implications of conjoint collaborateur?
- Working as a builders labourer?
- Can a husband and wife register separately as auto-entrepreneur’s?
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for tour guiding?
- Is 9602B Soins de beaute a regulated activity code?
- Capital gains tax liability in France?
- APE / NAF code to import clothes to sell via the internet and boutiques?
- Setting up small writing school as auto-entrepreneur?
- Setting up writing school as auto-entrepreneur?
- Reimbursement from RAM only 30%?
August 2011
- Gardening work as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Is this possible to be TVA registered under the auto-entrepreneur scheme?
- Two services under one auto-entrepreneur business registration?
- Looking to setup as an auto-entrepreneur pool cleaning?
- Advice for property maintenance and renovation business?
- Profession liberales for wedding planner?
- Invoices abroad in French and English?
- Paying tax on rented holiday house?
- Changing from Maison Des Artistes to Auto-Entrepeneur
- Filling in auto-entrepreneur registration form in France?
- Renting an office as auto-entrepreneur?
- Is conges Intemperies a scam?
- Becoming an auto-entrepreneur in France on a student visa?
- Is this invoice a scam?
- Birth certificate translation?
- Site setup and PayPal options for international clients / taxes?
- Not sure whether I qualify for auto-entrepreneur or Maison des Artistes?
- Auto-entrepreneur RSI scam?
- RSI 1st declaration % of tax?
- Work additional to that of our gite rental?
- Compulsory change from auto-entrepreneur?
- Invoicing outside of France?
- Minimum auto-entrepreneur cotisations and pension contributions?
July 2011
- How do I setup an association?
- Moving from auto-entrepreneur to Entreprise Individuelle business under regime reel simplifie mid-year?
- DIF training allowance?
- Auto-entrepreneur and income tax limits?
- Online registration - official website
- What are the auto-entrepreneur turnover limits?
- Guichet Enterprises auto-entrepreneur application without social security number?
- When does a hobby become a business?
- Is there a problem with 2nd trimestre declaration?
- English heating plumber registering in France?
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for a graphic designer?
- Subscribing to Net Entreprises?
- Taxes for an on line retail business with high business expenses?
- How do I know if a NAF Code is regulated?
- Activites Artisanales or Liberales for cleaning?
- Proof of competence and qualification?
- Net Enterprise declaration artisanales or ventes?
- Notification by post for quarterly declaration?
June 2011
- Where to register for key holding, changeovers and gardening?
- Auto-entrepreneur and a summer job?
- Should my partner add the children and me to her auto-entrepreneur?
- Where do I get the form to become a AE from?
- Trimestrelle declaration dates?
- Insaisissabilité des immeubles bâtis ou non bâtis - what to do?
- What do I need to do when moving to a different region?
- Are royalties considered as being part of the chiffre d’affaires for an auto-entrepreneur?
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for gardening?
- Will my husbands pension be included as income if we set up an auto-entrepreneur?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur I claim income tax back?
- Partner eligible for adding to carte vitale?
- What are the benefits of DIF for an employer?
- Video for registering auto-entrepreneur in France?
- Filling in on-line form as Artisan re-directed to Guichet Entreprises
- Existing auto-entrepreneur changing to salaried job?
- Singer as auto-entrepreneur?
- Problem adding bank details on Net Enterprise?
- RSI invoice for auto-entrepreneur?
- EIRL pros and cons in France?
- How do I register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I get the cotisation foncièr des enterprises form?
- OK to work before siret number arrives?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur be an agent commercial?
- Health and medical cover with no turnover?
May 2011
- Artisan or commercial for garden furniture made from wood?
- Declared as auto-entrepreneur - what’s next?
- Déclaration de début d’activité (Activités Artisanales)
- Can I ignore revenus complémentaire - section F?
- What is Loi Madelin?
- What are the dates on my carte vitale?
- Can I be an auto-entrepreneur and use chèque emploi?
- How do I close my auto-entrepreneur business?
- APE / NAF code for building labourer?
- DIF registration for each company?
- Musical performances and singing as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Are there any specific regulations or permits for taxi or private hire?
- Registering a business during the complément de libre choix d’activité?
- Do I fill in impot form 2042C section G?
- Do I have to complete forms 2042C and 2047?
- Must the tax return include our children’s income?
- Do we have to submit individual tax returns?
- Do I need to declare our auto-entrepreneur turnover on form 2042K?
- Can I be an auto-entrepreneur whilst being sole trader business in UK?
- How do I add a second activity?
- Can I use the 2009 2042C form?
- Do I need to register as an auto-entrepreneur to open a cattery in France?
- How do I fill in tax form 2042C?
- How do I pay my auto-entrepreneur charges online?
- Selling produce to gite guests?
- What is Cotisation Fonciere Des Enterprises 2011?
- How do I close down an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Confirming a classification code for selling local products in France?
- Disability access requirements in France?
- Maternity pay for auto-entrepreneurs?
April 2011
- I am a ayant droits, will I get my own social security number if I become an auto-entrepreneur?
- Formation professionnelle artisan?
- Charging for materials?
- Moving some of my auto-entrepreneur business to the UK?
- What is declaration commune des revenus des professions independantes revenues 2010?
- Changing from auto-entrepreneur to entreprise individuelleI?
- Auto-entrepreneur for gites and chambre d’hotes?
- Déclaration trimestrielle de recettes?
- Invoicing clients via UK website using PayPal?
- What is Attention vos saisies ne seront pas enregistrées?
- Tax cotisation a la formation professionelle?
- Not received my paper declaration yet?
- What is attestation dispense de versement in France?
- First declaration date?
- When to pay declaration trimestrielle?
- Declaration 1er trimestre 2011?
- Second activity as general handyman?
- Final Chiffre d’affaires Tax Declaration and quoitient familial?
- What is DAS2-T-K Etat des honoraires?
- Femme de Menage?
- Auto-entrepreneur impot and social charges?
- What are the implications conjoint collaborateur?
- Tax refund document for client?
- Contribution à la formation professionnelle?
- Spreadsheet for business accounts?
- Homme à tout faire insurance?
- Recieved letter about 2042C and invoices?
- Teledeclaration on Net Entreprise?
- Auto-entrepreneur and expenses in France - confused?
- Learning French as an auto-entrepreneur?
March 2011
- Auto-entrepreneur pension payments and tax?
- Allocation on tax return?
- Changing from auto-entrepreneur to entreprise individual?
- DIRRECTE documents - DIF training provider dossier?
- Set up as a mechanic under the Auto-Entrepreneur scheme?
- Setting up my own auto-entrepreneur to look after a gite?
- Market stall registration?
- Do I qualify for CFE Exoneration?
- Do I need to fill out a separate tax form for my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Drawing up a contract in French?
- CFE exoneration rejected?
- Who do I register with for telesales in France?
- Hitting the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
- Insurance for CDD English teacher in France?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur work on a commission basis?
- Are expenses regarded as turnover for an auto-entrepreneur?
- DIF training provider?
- What is attestation de dispense de versement?
- Do I need to do any accounting for my auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I close down my auto-entrepreneur business?
- What is revenus non commerciaux?
- Helping English people find property in France?
- Address for recapitulatif de l’inscription?
- Is this a scam: Achats publics?
- First declaration via net entreprises?
- How to register as a labouring and teach art?
- Add a retail business to existing auto-entrepreneur?
- Demand for cotisations through the post?
- Physical address rental for business?
- What and how much to declare 1st qtr?
- How does a SARL employ an auto-entrepreneur?
- SARL and auto-entrepreneur at the same time?
February 2011
- Is a French business bank account mandatory for an auto-entrepreneur?
- Splitting income into separate auto-entrepreneur businesses?
- Do I charge TVA to a British company?
- URSSAF charging the wrong rate?
- Auto-entrepreneur site not working any address to send letters?
- Is there a minimum turnover before pension entitlement?
- Auto-entrepreneur and services à la personne?
- What will I pay in cotisations after the end of year 3 in business on the AE?
- Limited company in UK and auto-entrepreneur in France?
- I’m retired, why do I have to pay national insurance contributions?
- Excel spreasheet accounting?
- Photographic NAF codes?
- Move an existing business in UK and Ireland to France?
- Compulsory business course for auto-entrepreneur’s?
- Does homme de toutes mains come under artisinale or liberale?
- Buying and selling antiques as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Can I register as auto-entrepreneur to sell vintage textiles?
- Is auto-entrepreneur best for low paid employment?
- Can I set up two separate types of business under auto-entrepreneur?
- Property management code?
- What is the best way for an auto-entrepreneur to register a gite rurale?
- What is the best setup for selling on the internet?
- Is there a threshold of earnings that you have to reach before you pay tax?
- How do I add my husband to my carte vitale?
- Is the Carte Vitale means tested?
- What company information should I have on my website?
- Taxe Sur la Valeur Ajoutee - Renseignements Relatifs A L’Annee 2010?
- Can’t log in to www.lautoentrepreneur.fr?
January 2011
- Have I messed up my inscription with net entreprises?
- Transferring from RSI to CPAM?
- Proof of experience for travaux de finition?
- APE code for soutien scolaire?
- Problem with just declaring, not paying with Net Enterprises?
- How can I take a commision and not be taxed on all money received?
- Expanding to become a tutoring agency?
- Am I on the right code for online tutoring?
- Mobile creche, babysitting agency, equipment and bouncy castle hire?
- Declare mixed activity?
- First declaration via Net Enterprises?
- Compulsory 2 week course before starting as a homme de toutes mains?
- What is DADS and what do I do about it?
- Can we change from declaration trimestrielle to annual?
- Can I be an auto-entrepreneur and employed at the same time?
- Can I ignore this URSSAF form?
- Are there any regulations on becoming an estate agent?
- Chambre de Metiers inscription a must?
- Is bulletin d’adhesion RSI a scam?
- Versement liberatoire des impots sur la revenu limits?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur have only one customer?
- NAF code for consultant profession liberale?
- Déclaration NEANT pour un établissement sans salarié?
- Auto-entrepreneur or micro?
- What is versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu?
- CFE affected by property ownership?
- How can I get an update of all my declarations to RSI?
December 2010
- CFE form questions?
- Choosing an activity code for a fishing business in France?
- Tax on services?
- How do I close my auto-entrepreneur business?
- Can I add another category to my auto-entrepreneur status?
- Do I choose my local RSI or URSAFF to make my cotisations online?
- What is the DGFIP questionnaire for?
- Problem with health care ayant droit, who do I call?
- Compulsory accounting course through chambre des metiers?
- Do I have to pay Cotisation Financière des Entreprises?
- Auto-entrepreneur tax vs CFE?
- Clarification of a NAF code for building trade?
- Revenue for tax, based on billing date or date of payment?
- Turnover declaration missed, what to do?
- Do I have to pay Contribution Fonciere Des Enterprises now?
- How do I fill in the Cotisation Fonciere des Enterprises form?
- Close my auto-entrepreneur business as I am moving out of France?
- How I can prove that I have registered as an auto-entrepreneur?
- What is CFE?
- Can I register a business name as an auto-entrepreneur?
- How much tax and social charges will we pay as auto-entrepreneurs?
November 2010
- How to register as a carpenter?
- How does AGESSA work?
- Why have I received new demands from URSSAF for the whole year?
- How many clients does an auto-entrepreneur need?
- Declaration relative a la personne form?
- Do I have to pay the health contributions requested by the RSI?
- How much is maternity pay for an auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I stop being an auto-entrepreneur and become an ayant droit?
- Declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires from RSI?
- Switch from Micro BNC to AE with the RSI has anyone achieved it?
- Party plan in France?
- Importing goods?
- Cotisation Fonciere des Enterprises 2011 - forms received?
- Adding a second activity for a commission based business?
- Having people work for an auto-entrepreneur?
- Should I opt to pay income tax at source?
- Do we both have to pay Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises?
- Can I sell on Christmas markets?
- European company wanting to buy ads on my website
- Auto-entrepreneur garden services and builder?
- TVA number and can I claim TVA back?
- Attestation Sécu finally received
- When are the yearly auto-entrepreneur taxes due?
- Can one set up a café under the auto-entrepreneur scheme?
- When can I declare as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises?
- How long can I stay as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Deduction of expenses for services received?
- Auto-entrepreneur agent commerciale for estate agents?
- Trading on French markets?
- Can I sell on Christmas markets?
- Do I have to pay import duty on goods I bring into France?
- Teacher and want to add a second status of selling books and photos?
- What is Avis d’imposition cotisation des entreprises tax pour frais…?
- What NAF codes are applicable to general landscaping?
- Working under contract and also part-time as auto-entrepreneur?
- Software for noline invoices?
- End of beneficiary rights for my partner?
- Can I change from declaring monthly to quarterly?
- Where can I find a list of NAF codes?
October 2010
- Is a UK Civil Partnership is now recognised in France?
- What is retraite complimentaire?
- Do we need an address in France to register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Business bank account in France?
- Application form part 8 (impot)?
- Can I have three quarters with zero turnover?
- Can I combine two different business activities in France?
- Which category do I come under?
- Late auto-entrepreneur payments?
- Need help with Declaration Trimestrielle de Recettes form?
- French data protection act?
- Notification suite a radiation (from micro BIC to auto-entrepreneur)
- Which field to form on online tax declaration?
- Description of auto-entrepreneur activity for cleaner?
- Am I liable to pay Avis d’Imposition Prélèvements Sociaux 2010?
- Changing from Regime de base to Micro Social?
- How do I access my auto-entrepreneur application to print?
- Which social security number?
- What carte vital / social security number should I be using?
- Where can I find a list of job classifications?
- Which tax band should I be under?
- Auto-entrepreneur code for DIY services?
- List of regulated trades?
- No paper declaration for 3rd trimestre yet?
- How to employ an auto-entrepreneur labourer?
- Healthcare top up providers and pensions?
- Auto-entrepreneur and CMU health cover?
- What do I need to do to get auto-entrepreneur retirement benefits?
- First time declaring for tax?
- Timescale to hear back from URSAFF re auto-entrepreneur declaration?
- Retired with French health coverage
- Change business name?
- Net-Entreprises.fr registration?
September 2010
- Sportive professionnel as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto-entrepreneur landscaping business?
- About to register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I need to post anything with my auto-entrepreneur application?
- Registre des Creations Letter - Auto Entrepreneur
- Do I need to claim reimbursed travel expenses as income?
- What is turnover?
- ACCRE - How long til confirmation?
- Age 55 am I eligible for ACCRE?
- How do declare what I’ve earned and when?
- Workers E106 renewal refused, how do I get health care?
- Do I need qualifications for Homme tout main?
- When does ACCRE start and finish?
- Registering as a tutor via Skype?
- Selling services outside of France?
- Can I reduce my social charges?
- Joint auto-entrepreneur or conjoint collaborateur?
- Can an auto-entrepreneur employ his wife?
- Declaration deadline clarification?
- Social security number and carte vitale?
- Which category of self employment and health care access in France?
- Is a proofreader considered liberale or artisanal?
- How do I change or challenge the NAF code?
- Forum to let other members know about services?
- Two businesses, same activity, one land owner.
- Moved department, how do I need to amend my SIRET?
- Difficulty adding children not born in France
- RSI English helpline in France?
- INSEE Questionaire - obligatoire or not?
- Should I register my business in UK or France?
- Do I need qualifications to make and sell English cakes on the French markets?
- Do I register as activities commerciales/liberales or artisanale?
- Do we need to register with the Centre de Formalites?
August 2010
- First CET declaration in France - when?
- Adding a secondary activity online or by post?
- Bank account in England with auto-entrepreneur status?
- Do we need to have liability insurance?
- Do we have to add TVA to our goods?
- What do I need to be able to sell on markets?
- How and when should I make a nil return?
- Late payment notice on invoices?
- Should I get an income tax refund?
- Can I use a personal bank account for my business?
- APE codes for fabrication of products from wood?
- How do I change of ownership of my cattery business?
- I do not earn enough to pay tax, can I stop paying this in future?
- Translation of birth certificate into French?
- Selling online, postage expense
- First auto-entrepreneur declaration cheque returned?
- How do I find out if my qualifications are recognised in France?
July 2010
- It’s been 4 months in auto-entrepreneur and still I haven’t registered for any insurance?
- Change of address during registration process?
- Tax declaration, can it be yearly and how to make it?
- Registration - code postale?
- Registering for Net-entreprise to make the tax declaration?
- Do I need to add an additional auto-entrepreneur activity code?
- Net Enterprise payment problem?
- Partner is United Nations employee, can I be an auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto-entrepreneur from another country - still access the SS system?
- Auto-entrepreneur but have been sent a set demand for cotisations?
- Covering letter with zero declaration?
- When is my first quarterly return?
- Form: Justifiant votre inscription au regime auto-entrepreneur?
- What to write on declaration when the percentage is wrongly printed?
- What is declaration trimmestrielle de chiffre d’affaires?
- Freelance consultant working from France?
- How to invoice for business expenses?
- Auto-entrepreneur defer invoicing to keep under the limit?
- Deadlines for Declaration Trimestrielle de Recettes?
- Declaration trimestrielle date?
- Description of activities for auto-entrepreneur?
- Aide à domicile or homme de toutes main?
- When is the right time for me to declare my first tax payment?
- Do we need a certificat de capacite for our business in France?
- Supplier TVA percentage?
- Auto-entrepreneur and tax on royalties?
- Joiner as auto-entrepreneur?
- Which company is official, which a scam?
- Allowances for working from home?
- Under the auto-entrepreneur scheme, what category am I?
- Why do I have to keep account of my expenses?
- Problem with 1st Declaration for RSI
- Domicile Personnel as required in the auto-entrepreneur application form?
- Trimesters and télérèglement?
- Best option for high turnover, low profit business?
- Calculating currency exchange rate?
- Which registration code for labourer in France?
- Two auto-entrepreneurs - different activities, on the same premises?
June 2010
- Do I have to have more than one customer?
- Does this qualify for more than one customer?
- Married with two different auto-entrepreneurs?
- Auto-entrepreneur not allowed to be listed on website of artisans?
- How do I register as a auto-entrepreneur conjoint collaborateur?
- Confusion regarding Mutuelle
- Auto-entrepreneur for an agent commercial?
- Completing Declaration Trimestrielle de Recettes from URSSAF
- Insee code for homme toutes mains and gite management?
- As an auto-entrepreneur can I employ someone?
- Add family members to carte vitale?
- Help needed with APE codes for handyman, labourer and property rental?
- Qualifications for baking cakes in France?
- Do I declare my income tax this year?
- What is an Attestation sur L’Honneur?
- Certificate of residence according to double taxation treaty?
- Letter from Reunica, do I need to do anything?
- Author’s royalties tax declarations?
- What is the Declaration Commune des Revenues form?
- Multi activity as auto-entrepreneur?
- What is numero national d’Identité for?
- Making my first declaration - is it to the right organisation?
- Can I change my SARL to an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Changing activity and opening a shop as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Do I need to get birth certificates translated into French?
- Wondering exactly how the first declaration works?
- French resident auto-entrepreneur plus sole trader in UK?
- Need to do first online declaration but account says second trimestre?
- What does CIPAV do in France?
- What is prime pour l’emploi?
- Problem with auto-entrepreneur health cover application form?
- Using auto-entrepreneur to invoice for services in the UK?
May 2010
- Do I need to enter my cortisations paid on the tax form?
- Best option for business start up and assistance for the category choice APE?
- Do I have to file Declaration des revenus encaisses a l’etranger 2009?
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for a carpenter?
- Mortgage interest on tax return?
- Where do I send the ACCRE form?
- Do I need insurance for my business?
- Professionnels or non professionnels on tax return 2042?
- First tax return, or not?
- Mandatory pensions for auto-entrepreneur?
- Who should I contact to find out the status of my Auto-entrepeneur application?
- Avis amiable for 63 euros third quarter?
- Where do I put the turnover figure on form 2042?
- When is my first declaration due?
- What is form Attestation Fiscale 2009 Auto-Entrepreneur for?
- Auto-Entrepreneur registration problem?
- Which social security number do I use?
- If I employ someone, what are the tax implications?
- How do I combine the two different occupations on the Auto-entrepreneur form?
- Declaration of income from UK
- What tax forms do I need to complete my year end return?
- Auto-entrepreneur or SARL?
- What are the implications of polyactive?
- Is a Traiteur an Artisan or is it a commercial activity?
- What will happen to my carte vitale when I become an auto-entrepreneur?
- Financial year Jan 1 - Dec 31: tax declarations versus cotisations declarations?
- Do I need to go on the Chambre de Métier’s Stage?
- Exchange rates and book-keeping?
- How to complete the 2042C form
- Where can I download tax forms 2042CK and 2042K?
- Going over the auto-entrepreneur limit and possible reinstation?
- When should I receive my tax form?
- Which NAF code should I use for gite management?
- What are CPAM asking me for?
- Assurance maladie and carte vitale problems?
- When should I get my tax form?
- Should I call RSI or URSSAF about my carte vitale?
- What should we do about our personal tax form?
- I registered as an auto-entrepreneur, when can I start work?
- APRIONIS, ALTEA and ABELIO all has to do with AGIRC at ARRCO?
- Do you need a social security number before registering as an auto-entrepreneur?
- As an auto-entrepreneur how do I show my income on my tax return?
- Fencing and decking - auto-entrepreneur?
- How does being an auto-entrepreneur affect our household tax declaration?
- Discount for packing and postage with La Poste?
- Can I close and restart the same business?
- How does the Auto-entrepreneur pro-rata turnover limit work?
- Is it possible to change to the taxe regime of auto-entrepreneur?
- As an Auto-Entrepreneur, what’s involved in relocating to a new region?
April 2010
- Will I be penalised when if my cotisations don’t go in on time?
- Is sick leave covered by healthcare as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Is Auto-entrepreneur right for us?
- Can I be reimbursed for expenses as an auto-entrepreneur?
- How long am I able to stay an auto entrepreneur?
- How do I indicate ACCRE reduction in cotisations?
- Auto-entrepreneur earning over the limit, what should I do?
- Monthly to quarterly - how not to miss a deadline?
- Can I check my original auto-entrepreneur application details?
- Declare a second company registered abroad if I’m already an auto-entrepreneur?
- Problem with registering a French business online?
- How do I get a new attestation and get my carte vitale updated?
- Can I declare and pay my first declaration by the end of June?
- Net Enterprises payment problem
- Registering a brand name similar to another?
- What Insurance for auto-entrepreneur professional photographer?
- Why have I been deregistered as an Auto-entrepreneur?
- How do I declare my UK earnings as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Assurance Maladie RAM de Bourgogne
- What social security number when registering as an auto-entrepreneur?
- What if spouse has not yet got her titre de sejour?
- What happens if an Auto-entrepreneur has no income?
- Can I add other activities other than those on my application?
- Creating an account with Net Enterprises
- Appel de cotisations charges
- Cessation D’activite: Declaration De Revenus
- Pages Jeune Invoice scam
- Tutoring English as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Yellow Pages Directory Scam?
- Renewal of a lease as auto-entrepreneur bail commercial 3/6/9
- Auto-entrepreneur profession liberale?
- Would like to employ 1 or 2 people, what are the rules?
- Retirement system for auto-entrepreneurs?
- Received Document from CDM, need advice
- Taxe Profressionnelle
- Delay in auto-entrepreneur registration and what to do about cotisations?
- Recieved my SIRET with recipise! Now what?
March 2010
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover and income tax return
- Declaration de debut d’activite?
- Declaration online / paperwork for a business in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur application refused
- Registering as an auto-entrepreneur with health cover?
- How can I open an auto-entrepreneur business from America?
- Selling on markets as an Auto-entrepreneur?
- What happens if my auto-entrepreneur turnover is over the limit?
- Thrown out of auto-entrepreneur scheme, based on a assumed turnover?
- Changing business activity from profession liberale to commerciale?
- Activité principale homme de toutes mains
- Applying with recipise?
- Category for home stay English teaching?
- Leaving France and Auto-Entrepreneur
- Can you please clarify the conjoint collaborateur?
- Selling on markets in France
- Déclaration commune des revenus des professions indépendantes
- Auto-entreprener or micro-entreprise?
- Livret de famille
- Free French lessons for auto-entrepreneur’s?
- Difference between RSI and RAM in France?
- Problem with declaration form
- Minimum age to sign up as an Auto-entrepreneur
- Auto-entrepreneur turnover calculated on a cash or invoice basis?
- Haven’t received my Carte Vitale in France?
- Fire regulations for rented space?
- Is collaborer régulièrement time limited?
- Can an Agent Commercial be an auto-entrepreneur?
- Health cover while waiting for RSI registration
- Kitchen regulations for cooking business based at home?
- Another auto-entrepreneur scam?
- What do I need to modify my Carte de Séjour?
- Who to chase up for auto-entrepreneur registration?
- Am I correctly registered?
- Teaching English at home using cheque emploi?
- Horse transport under auto-entrepreneur
- Which APE code?
- CMU complementaire
- Finally registered with RSI
- Trademark registration in France
- Social security number
- Complementary therapies / reflexology
- Tax relief for employers/clients
- Can we both be Auto-Entrepreneur doing the same activity?
- RSI to Carte Vitale
- Delay in receiving SIRET number
- Salaried husband and auto-entrepreneur health cover?
February 2010
- Is auto-entrepreneur right for us?
- What are the costs of being an auto-entrepreneur?
- Registered as a carpenter - can I start working now?
- Portage salarial and I.T. contracting in France?
- Taxe professionnelle
- Change of address and department
- APE code for auto-entrepreneur yoga teacher in France?
- Prefecture meeting about my business here in France?
- Who to chase for carte vitale in France?
- Auto-entrepreneur on-line registration trouble
- Chambre de Maitres
- Switch from micro entreprise BNC change in activity?
- Is bookkeeping regulated in France?
- Chambre des Metiers Registration from 1st April
- Storage and basic machining service
- Assurance reponsabilite civile professionnelle
- Registration for freelance singer and musician?
- Is a website designer a regulated activity?
- Keeping a correct cash book
- Waiting for Mutuelle du Soleil
- Proof of qualifications as artisan?
- What is contrat acte d’insaisabilite?
- Carte vitale delay
- Activity code and tax for education consultant?
- AG2R Prevoyance membership
- Exoneration ACCRE?
- Which activity code for key holding?
- Mutuelle Action and RSI form
- To many Avis Amaible from RSI?
- Rejected primary business activity in France
- Do you have to register for l’Assurance Maladie?
- Form 2037K - service des Impots
- Auto-Entrepreneur health cover and Social Security number
- Do I need a carte vital to registe as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Is my partner covered under my health cover
- Add family members retrospectively for healthcare?
- Securite Social payments
- Versement liberatoire de l’impot
- Micro social auto-entrepreneur or micro enterprise profession liberale?
January 2010
- First month, no sales and Net Enterprise account
- Regime de retraite complementaire
- Do bed and breakfast and gites have different tax rates in France?
- Problems paying declaration on-line?
- Do we need top-up health insurance?
- Switching to the regime micro social
- Expenses - Paying taxes on gross profit
- Public liability insurance
- Auto-entrepreneur with a carte de séjour temporaire salarié?
- How do I fill in with my taxe professionnelle form?
- How do I get a social security number?
- When do I declare earnings?
- Online turnover declaration video
- English speaking help line?
- Why did I get a paper decleration form for my business in France?
- Social security for auto-entrepreneur
- Health insurance and ayant-droit
- Understanding the Tax Professionelle Form
- Financial working year
- Taxe Professionelle form?
- Declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires
- Do I qualify to be an auto-entrepreneur?
- Selling food on French markets?
- Fencing and decking auto-entrepreneur business?
- Problem with net enterprises
- Carrying on business at your domicile - but what about B and B
- Guitar Teacher recently registered as an auto-entrepreneur
- Why has net enterprises changed my declaration from monthly to quarterly
- Social Security
- What’s happened to www.lautoentrepreneur.fr?
- Awaiting siret number - what next?
- How to register as English teacher, market trader and furniture restorer?
- What regime for a singer and entertainer?
- Social Security Numbers
- Social charges MSA and RSI?
December 2009
- Registered on line…what next?
- Income Tax refund for Auto-entrepreneur status
- Small campsite
- Pages jaunes scam and devis checklist?
- What to register a surveyor and bed and breakfast as?
- RSI Dossier D’Affiliation
- Auto-entrepreneur health cover for parents?
- Pay declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires online?
- How to register a trade name in France?
- Remplacement taxe professionnelle par une cotisation locale d’activite
- Taxe Professionelle (Without the PAYG tax)
- Changing codes for landscape gardening and handyman?
- How to register online video
- Credit d’impots and agrément simple?
- What title to register as unskilled labourer?
- Business job description for copywriter in France?
November 2009
- Which way to go, auto-entrepreneur or something else?
- Auto-entrepreneur accounts packages
- Paying your first cotisations
- Switching from Auto entrepreneur to EURL
- Auto-entrepreneur category for an alternative therapist?
- What kind of insurance for a carpenter?
- Scam business directories for auto-entrepreneurs?
October 2009
- Help with registering auto-entrepreneur?
- Better to be a conjoint collaborateur or an auto-entrepreneur?
- Reunica and the mandatory supplementary pension?
- NAF codes
- Waiting for auto-entrepreneur siret number
- Micro BNC ceramist and another job?
- What is the cost of déclaration d’insaisissabilité in France?
- Addition of Entretien de Jardin to existing business
- Ca an auto-entrepreneur carpenter accept CESU?
- Newly registered auto-entrepreneur + declaring social charges online
September 2009
- TVA non applicable in France?
- Mentions Légales on websites
- What business type to teach English and music?
- Auto-entrepreneur and existing carte vitale
- Should I change to auto-entrepreneur?
- Possible to still use Tax Credits if I am an Auto Entrepreneur?
- A few questions about the auto entrepreneur program
- Fostering business in France?
- Buying TVA inclusive from European wholesalers
- Why was my paysagiste application refused?