October 2009
September 2009
- TVA non applicable in France?
- Mentions Légales on websites
- What business type to teach English and music?
- Auto-entrepreneur and existing carte vitale
- Should I change to auto-entrepreneur?
- Possible to still use Tax Credits if I am an Auto Entrepreneur?
- A few questions about the auto entrepreneur program
- Fostering business in France?
- Buying TVA inclusive from European wholesalers
- Why was my paysagiste application refused?
- Can you register yourself for multi auto-entrepreneur in France?
- Transfer of a US business to France?
August 2009
- What qualifies as scientific or artistic output?
- Opening a business in France with visiteur status?
- APE code for cooking in France - not sure which one I need?
- Market stall and food/catering business?
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language in France?
- Do I pay 12%, 21.3% or both?
- We want to set up a homemade pie business
- Setting up an online business in France
- Can I setup a seasonal video business in a ski resort?
- What is regimes de retraite complementaire?
July 2009
- Auto-entrepreneur zero turnover declaration OK?
- How to pay chambre d’hote 13% and not 23%?
- Gardiennage d’animaux
- APE code for knitting?
- Camping Business In France
- Letters recieved for Prevoyance Obligatoire?
- Minimum RSI contributions for Conjoint Collaborateur in France?
- Salon de the / pastry shop / chocolatier / atelier auto-entrepreneur?
June 2009
- What is micro BNC?
- Can an architect register as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Is regime special BNC right for a pottery business?
- Help with Taxe Professionnelle form exemption
- Can I closed down my SARL to start an auto-entrepreneur business?
- Banking an Irish Euro cheque
- First Declaration of zero turnover
- Register as an auto-entrepreneur but no carte citale
- Help with ACCRE form?
- Making declaration on line
- Can we have 2 auto-entrepreneur’s + ACCRE?
- Operating from a rented house
- Can expenses be claimed back?
- A Canadian teacher in France?
- After auto-entrepreneur - back to Micro Social - Réel simplifé?
- Electrician other requirements
- Professions liberales and auto-entrepreneur
- Category for a cattery business in France?
- Open business in France for UK work and teach painting ceramics?
- Living in France doing Telecanvassing for UK Company
- Making the payments
May 2009
- Paying cotisations
- Mixed activities artisan - carpenter?
- Auto-entrepreneur: Ayant droit and Conjoint collaborateur
- Net Entreprise
- Implications of being on CIPAV list?
- Confusing categories auto entrepreneur?
- Auto-entrepreneur electrician and materials quote?
- Selling plants - do I need to be qualified?
- Register as a auto-entrepreneur for knitting business?
- Any qualification required for false nails and spray tanning?
- Personal Allowance on Auto Entrepreneur
- Where do I use my siret number?
- Own name or business name?
- Close down SARL and start as an auto-entrepreneur immobilier?
- Auto entrepreneur (how long does registration take)
- Auto-entrepreneur handyman?
- Artisan auto-entrepreneur?
- Pay our social charges as per the auto-entrepreneur scheme?
- Online registration form: income tax
- Receiving Cheque Emploi on a Titre Sejour Visiteur visa?
April 2009
- Can you be employed and set up own business?
- Which option is services?
- IT support and services a la personne: what registration?
- Auto Entrepreneur: not for pensioners?
- Will the government cap auto-entrepreneur registration?
- PRO-BTP assurance decennale for a plumber?
- Profession libérale and auto-entrepreneur business clarifications?
- Declaring and Paying auto-entrepreneur cotisations on line?
- Is the auto-entrepreneur system right for selling children’s clothes?
- I am a registered auto-entrepreneur but want to offer a different service
- Food business regulations
- Eligibility for auto-entrepreneur status?
- When do I pay my charges?
- Catering in the Alps
March 2009
- Can an English teacher claim expenses?
- I’ve changed from Micro to Auto - what next?
- How to change to micro social when registered with CIPAV?
- Is it OK to setup my ceramic and art business from home?
- Pension and URSSAF contributions as an auto-entrepreneur?
- Chambres d’Hotes - What Activites do I choose?
- Health cover when there is no turnover?
- Auto-entrepreneur for teaching voice, singing and movement?
- Work with a builder as an hommes de toutes mains?
- Health cover under auto-entrepreneur - ayants droits?
- Insurance for artisan and hommes de toutes main in France?
- Activité de prestations de services OR activité d’achat / revente?
- Auto-entrepreneur for pasty, cakes and catering business?
- Combination of activites commerciales and activites liberales?
February 2009
- Auto-entrepreneur health cover for my husband?
- Servicing and repairing garden machinery?
- Change from micro entreprise to regime micro social?
- How long does it take to receive the carte vital?
- Carte competence and talent needed for non EU members?
- Regime Micro Sociale
- Materials and labour as a an auto-entrepreneur builder?
- Is photography artisan or professional?
- Will my SIRET no change when I get a new NAF code?
- Auto-entrepreneur or SARL for two people?
- Do I need to be qualified to teach English?
January 2009
- General carpentry and labourer activity code?
- Completing the auto-entrepreneur online
- Successfully registered as auto-entrepreneur: how to get carte vitale and pay charge sociales?
- Micro bic or auto-entrepreneur?
- Register as a handyman and labour using auto-entrepreneur?
- What’s the skills and talents residency visa about?
- Health cover and Social Contributions
- What to do about my failed auto-entrepreneur application?
- Operating more than one auto-entrepreneur business?
- Social and health cover for conjoint collaborateur?
- Auto-entrepreneur cotisations and other taxes?
- Can I switch my exisiting business for the auto entrepreneur system?