Do I have to register with the Chambre de Metiers?

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My husband registered an auto-entrepreneur business in 2009 as a Menuiserie, and in February 2009 received a letter from the Chambre de Metiers with the heading Recepisse de Depot de declartion au centre de formalites des entreprises. The letter is also stamped from the Chambre de Metiers.

  1. I presumed that this meant he was registered with them, do you think he is or do we now have to register him again in order to comply with the new registration that has to be completed by the end of the year?
  2. Also, he is now very nearly reaching the turnover limits of the auto-entrepreneur regime so we have been looking into changing to the entreprise individuelle under régime réel. We are predicting his turnover to be around 40,000 euros next year, he doesn’t pay for the materials as the customers pay for them direct to the suppliers. Is the entreprise individuelle under régime réel system the best option for him? I have heard very mixed views about entreprise individuelle under régime réel and am worried about the amount of tax etc. he would have to pay.
  3. I have seen on another post that you have replied to that part of the entreprise individuelle under regime reel simplifie is that you have to pay registration fee about 200 euros with Chambre de Commerce. If that is the case and we do decide to change should I wait and do it as part of changing regimes? Just thinking that it seems daft taking the time to go there (and pay 63 euros for them to help now) and then having to re-do it in the new year.
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