Should my chambre d’hotes be registered with RCS?

· Viewed 2385 times

I would be grateful for any information on the subject of registration of a chambres d’hôtes with the RCS and the statut that I should be on. I have 2 chambre d’hôtes and take around 6,000 euros per year gross. We have just entered the figure on our tax declaration every year and paid tax and contributions after the on the 29% that is left after the 71% abattement.

We consider this a supplementary income to pensions, of which my husband’s constitutes our main income. I am 57 and have a small civil service pension while my husband is 69. I understand now that, if chambres d’hôtes are let on a regular basis (albeit not that regular) then they have to be registered with the RCS. So how do you do this and what does it mean?

It has been suggested that, as I run the business I should register as an auto-entrepreneur and would therefore not register with the RCS. Well, I don’t mind doing this, but I don’t want my husband’s pension to be affected by extra charges, etc. What would the charges be for me on this sort of income?

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